#7 of against all odds universe
didn't think i'd make my sunday posting for a while (technically i didn't; it's after midnight here, but who cares!) anywho, here's part 7 for your perusement. as ever - thoughts/comments on this part are welcomed.
Character Development, Gay Relationships, Husky, Macro, Micro, Plot Development, Romance, Size Difference, Tirrell, Wolf
#19 of against all odds universe
**_part 19 - a guide to the past_**
after erik's problematic stint alone in the shop, alexei opted to spend the following day working alongside him.
Character Development, Gay Relationships, Husky, Macro, Micro, Plot Development, Raccoon, Romance, Size Difference, Tirrell, Wolf, World Development
#53 of against all odds universe
the tenth and final part of escaping the storm... doesn't feel that long ago that i posted up the first part, but here we are at the conclusion of the story.
Clean, Drama, Ferret, Macro, Micro, Plot Development, Political, Size Difference, Snow Leopard, Tirrell, World Development
#16 of against all odds universe
a little later in the day this week, but here's part 16 of against all odds :)
this is a bit of a lengthy chapter. it could have and probably should have been two chapters on reflection. still, i hope you enjoy it!
Character Development, Gay Relationships, Husky, Macro, Micro, Romance, Size Difference, Snow Leopard, Tirrell, Wolf, World Development
#52 of against all odds universe
part 9 - the penultimate chapter of ets.
Character Development, Clean, Drama, Elk, Ferret, Macro, Micro, Plot Development, Political, Size Difference, Snow Leopard, Tirrell
#74 of against all odds universe
part 12 - the final part of the story.
i actually struggled to decide on the best way to end this story, and a few of the details are somewhat different to what i'd originally planned.
Against all Odds, Character Development, Corben, Fox, Macro, Micro, Novel, Raccoon, Red Panda, Size Difference, Tirrell
#49 of against all odds universe
part 6 - quite a long chapter compared to the others that have come so far.
Character Development, Clean, Drama, Ferret, Fox, Macro, Micro, Plot Development, Political, Rabbit, Size Difference, Snow Leopard, Tirrell, Wolf, World Development
#66 of against all odds universe
done with his studies and out in the wider world, kaz is doing his best to kick on and move himself onwards and upwards in his home city of zelengorod.
Against all Odds, Character Development, Corben, Fox, Macro, Micro, Plot Development, Raccoon, Red Panda, Size Difference, Tirrell