Short Engagement (Kreet - 42)
She wouldn't admit it, but she has gained wisdom that you wouldn't understand. she's had a life no kobold before her has ever gone through. she has suffered for that wisdom, so it's well earned. you should listen to her more, if not me."
Atrele: Friends w/ Kioko
This is not my goddess' wisdom. as all relationships are impermanent, the decadent one teaches that one must enjoy them to the fullest extent ones' existence will permit.
The Adventures of Mike Stormwolf, in Equestria
Many of you have probably heard of me through the adventures i've had with my friends brandon, the prince and wisdom guardian of equestria, and devo the courage guardian of equestria. my name is mike stormwolf, the power guardian of equestria.
The King's Contest
Our mothers suffered long and hard giving birth to us, and we owe our wisdom and strength to their labor. a woman gave birth to the one who presses the grapes to make the wine and the king himself was born of a woman.
A Bronze Rising: Mercy and Deep thoughts
In the warm blood wetting my tongue and the flesh sliding down my throat, i found the enlightenment of the wild, a dragon's true wisdom. and yet it was only a taste.
Interview with Cerberus
The middle one spoke: "so, the wisdom of magic and spectral laws are lost. pose your questions." the traveler blinked for a moment, taken aback. "i didn't know the cerberus was capable of reading minds."
Wayfinder's Journals (1)
In a disagreement, their experience and age holds more power, but the prince gains experience and wisdom while the nation as a whole benefits from the steady hand of an experienced ruler.
No Frills: Kiroku / "Bandit" of the Coyos
As a pack, the coyos have a culture of valuing, and passing on, knowledge and wisdom.
translated poem Esada Gea (worlds knowledge)
He who walks life's path shall find wisdom.
Ragnarok - VII
Grandmotherly she seemed, not as if warm, not likely to bake cookies or knit scarves, but august, ancient, matriarchical, all over wisdom-written with long care for wayward progeny that heed her not.
Ragnarok - XVII
"please, disturb her not," shane said, "i fear her pain is more than she will own-" "your brother," she interrupted with ragged gasp, "speaks wisdom, champion, so chide him not. i know this passage well.
The Wolf of Ragnorok
Odin helped me learn the horrors of war, but also wisdom. yes, he's a wisdom god, i'm sure. do you want to hear the story or not? be silent! one day, odin went away. he visited a vala, inquiring about my future.