Dinner With a Friend
It tasted great, familiar, like that of a friend. it tasted of wolf.
The tiger licks over aren's work uniform, tasting the faint pizza smell still on him from the other deliveries in his car.
To Alaska-Chapter 4.txt
The liquid sloshed around on my tongue a moment, and all the taste hit me at once. the taste of bitter-sweet purple grapes filled my taste buds before i swallowed. it washed down my throat, leaving a rather unpleasant aftertaste.
Sweet Lure
They were better tasting then the candy npcs. rancis seemed to taste like reeses while gloyd had the taste of more of the pumpkin candy then the candy corn. "i will remember thisth" he laughs.
Meteorite Slime Friend 20
"mmm... tastes like coconut!" but the coconut taste of the little potion was only a front for its real malicious effects.
Z-Hero Compilation 1
[b]brooklyn:[/b] taste distress is a very serious offense! i went to a chip-and-dip party where the host only had hummus as the dip and it offended me devilishly wonderful taste sensibilities! [b]kai:[/b] taste buds, you idiot.
The Gift of Gluttony
He'd had salt water before, but it never tasted so good!
The Purple Dragon's Meal (Vore story)
The pig shouts the purple dragon places the pig in his mouth and starts tasting it. the pig tastes truly amazing to the purple dragon that he almost didn't what to sallow him but at the end he did.
Cold Dark Ch.01
I think it tastes like metal. can't be sure. what is it? is it blood? what is that taste?_ _\<\>\<\>\<\>_ _i'm getting used to sleeping now... the taste is even stronger. can't even taste flesh anymore. just sickly metal...
Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 36
And, worst of all, they had tongues, but they could not taste life, and neither could they taste death, for they were neither alive nor dead, they simply _were_, and that would have been the worst torture imaginable, were they only capable of understanding
Clarity - Chapter 9: Bubbling Up
You tasted those sweet-and-salty bits of gold just as much as i did, there's no way penn can dodge that taste of heaven." "that's what i-!
Poem #35: Places of Me
The taste of savory red meat playfully swims in the pool of summer's hottest day. its ways have made it into my taste. yet this taste i feel i have so rare. yet my favorite place, my place of residence, is hardest yet.