
The familiar smell of ozone wafted through the air; at the back of his mouth, he could taste the tang of magic. these were the sources of the advanced constructs that had become all the rage during the war.

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Life of the Plate

Most days he pecked at his meals at best, but something about the heavy sweet tang of this food always led him to indulge.

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Faust the Thunderer 3 - A New Contract

"the buffalo is yu tang. a brute without conscience. he once went berserk on a job and reduced a city block to rubble, killing ten people." pursing his lips, faust asked, "and the crane?" gleeson sighed, "batah is a bit of a mystery.

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A Bronze Rising: Mercy and Deep thoughts

From the sweat which communicated the crowd's emotions to me as if it were displayed on cue cards, i tasted the sweet tang of awe. i found that i liked it.

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Just another Dog Chapter 2

But the bold of energy, the tang of life that erupts from this tar like hot juice is delightful.

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Soft Mornings

There was always a scent to them too, beyond the aroma of sex from the night before, that lingering tang of sweat and male musk, though stolas' natural scent was slighter, more delicate and almost feminine.

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The Redeem: Chapter 1

I approached slowly and began to lick them, tasting the coppery tang of his blood. he winced at my licks, and said "ow." i held him still, to make sure he wouldn't move away. "don't be such a baby." i said.

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Chapter 2: A Tale

The salt tang of the breeze was lessened, but still noticeable. _"it must be still early in the night."_ decided colan. slipping out of the doorway but keeping to the shadows, colan crept toward the center of the slave compound.

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Draconian Peril Ch.3

This done, katsuhiko put the blade's seven inch tang into the hole that he had cut into the bone. after finishing this, he used several steel pegs to bond the tang and handle together. finally, he held out his hand toward the girl.

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Ragnarok - VII

Below a sallow spark hung, distant, and there came the tang of sulfur from it. then the spark to see him seemed, and opened, grinning rows of blackened shark teeth, glowing red within.

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Chapter 2: New Neighbors

The mother wore a faded yellow tang top and a pair of shorter denim shorts; the puppy was wrapped in a white blanket, which made me wonder why it was. another dalmatian, a male, sat down next to the female--most likely the father.

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Burner Lullaby

He dropped the empty bottle on the seat beside himself, a wry grimace upon his face while he hurriedly reached for the half-drained bottle of soda in the drink holder to wash the chemical tang that flooded his snout.