Typhlosion sighed in relief until he saw blaze's belly swell. he looked down and saw he still had the nozzle and was chugging ice cream.
"blaze! stop!" but blaze didn't even slow down. his gargantuan gut swelled as his stomach filled up with ice cream.
Charizard, Chubbyomega, Fat, Pokemon, Weight Gain
L'arc's belly began to swell outwards as more and more water flowed into it but he didn't stop, it felt too good having cool refreshing water flow down his throat.
Feline, Inflation
Weight that was starting to make itself known as his belly starting to swell out, quickly starting to add bulk.
he shook his head from side to side, his trunk swaying as his clothing starting to creek around his swelling body.
Elephant, Magic, Transformation
His apprentice reached down to bet the wizard between his ears, teasing them as another wave of warmth cascaded through his body, swelling it ever larger.
Fatfur, Leopard, Transformation, Weight Gain
Few eyes have seen that softly sighing swell.
fewer its scent remember and abide.
yet though we parch in dryness as of hell
that blessed coolness waits inches away
if only we could taste it. yet the spell
can still be broken.
Iambic pentameter, Poetry, Terza Rime
He felt his face swell up and he fell to his knees groaning. his eyes were forced shut as he heard the scared voices of the locals and of the guys he was with.
Blindness, Clean, Fox, Male, Writing Contest
Looking down between his arms he could see the orange and red feathers of his chest starting to shake as it began to swell outwards.
Gryphon, NC, Object, Transformation
Slush poked and prodded his jiggling gut as it continued to swell with juice. before long, his hips had grown so wide they touched the shelves on either side of the isle.
Blueberryinflation, Inflation, Maleinflation