space special ops 3
"sir, should we proceed and wake them", one of the scientist asked. "do it," dr. shaw replied. "beginning waking process in five,four,three,two,one. subjects are starting to wake, sir." "alright, lets get ready for this." "oh, my acing head." /that is...
Tail of a Twofer: A Eurofurence Special
This year i wrote a piece specially for the panel, so here it is. tuesday. eight o'clock. the rain was coming down hard against the windows. they'd put me in the reindeer suit again. it'd started as a joke.
space special ops 2
{medical file 8756: commander harold has had the first implants installed into him. we have not woken him yet,and will not intill he recives the fourth batch of implants. the new team we are assining him have arrived to. we will begin the implant...
Stuck Together Christmas "Special"
This is a bit of a sequel to another piece that i will edit and post here eventually, a "christmas special" of sorts for a slice-of-life series.
Chapter 5: A Special Person
"never think that you are not special. because everyone needs you in their own way. that's why you should smile today of all days." then he pats my shoulder. "happy birthday" and i nodded.
Special Exception: Connected Darkness
My tears as river they dance Dreams and gleams lost at first glance Into the abyss they go Surely making my heart slow I feel my feeble heart beats As I look at empty seats Something is supposed to be But grief gets the best of me They are...
Special Assignments - Chapter One
#1 of special assignments a new series i've started on for my patreon, but i'll slowly upload the chapters here. malcolm wasn't looking forward to starting at college. the university of beldover was not his first choice.
S6 Ep8-The Holiday Special
#8 of the heroes of gaia (season 6) (it's meta how this episode is going up in july of all times of the year) this episode is your normal christmas special, with it being a parody of a hallmark christmas movie with a boring plot with amber and artemis kissing
The BolanderBooks 2016 Christmas Special
**the bolanderbooks christmas special** **featuring the casts of amber silverblood, the slayer and the sphinx, staying human, and juryokine** ** ** there was a fire burning in the hearth, a tree glowing in the corner, and the smell of delicious food
The BBQ (4th of July Special)
A special material formed inside jon to make him a squeaky plush caterpillar. meanwhile steven's skeleton had altered, forcing him onto all fours to become quadrupedal.
Arturo and Biro go to Camp - Chapter Six
I don't know where we should go, but i'm sure it will be a special place!! said biro. "well, i know a special place!" piped up gin. "a mystery tour sounds good to me" chuckled friendly. "me too!" agreed timothy. "really?"
A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Christmas Special
**christmas special** "come on sasuke!" naruto whined. sasuke slowly headed towards the room with his usual stoic expression and laid back attitude.