The Road Of Life - Chapter 1

This chapter is not filled with any sexual stuff, but the story line will eventually become a m/m romance and may eventually contain some sexual content, so please read at your own risk, and if you dislike m/m romance, etc, then don't even bother to

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Eeveelutions of Time: Chapter #10

Umbra on the other hand was the opposite; he knew just what to say in the moments when romance was needed, however the more intimate side of things always gave him trouble--always blushing and unable to speak his mind.

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poem #2

Life is beauty, life is tranquil, life is harsh and annoying, life is romance.


Vivi's Back Story

The whirlwind romance lasted several months and boiled down to one passionate night of love making.

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"you got them onto romance." "oh, we were already onto romance," aspera assured. "i don't think we're ever off it." "nothing wrong with that," wasilla said, giving konka a gentle ribbing.


Calicode: Chapter 0: Book Synopsis

This is the second book in a tragedy romance series, set in a polytopian twin to earth. watch as they all strive to overcome being untouchable.



She wanted to experience the romance of fieldwork, watching the males paw at the earth, seeking treasures of lost time...watching the stars at night as the fire of alcohol coursed through her veins...wondering if any male even found her remotely desirable

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SubChp.2 Unwanted Captive

"no, this is a romance." "ugh... romance books are boring." there was a moment of silence in which she returned the book to her bag. she then remembered the pile of books in the room she was knocked out in.

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How We Survive: Arc 2: Chapter 1 W.I.P.

Yes, the fox who doesn't believe in love still has his string of romances, or lack thereof.

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other story

Until alistair is replaced by alice(kendo and alice are from my kendowolf story), they travel to different places to save all these different worlds from the psychos(yes, the ones from power rangers in space) and their minions the morracks. it has action and romance

Poem- Love

Or is it an endless romance of passion and happiness?

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Or is it an endless romance of passion and happiness?

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