Rebirth ch34
#35 of rebirth rebirth deeper wounds ch. 34 it turned out that cresselia had been visiting her mother, mew, and had been intent on returning back to new moon island for a little
Rebirth ch33
#34 of rebirth rebirth mew's child ch. 33 following the feeling of lady suicune's mind, i quickly jumped the teleport to just above the tree line, then quickly shot off like that
Rebirth ch32
#33 of rebirth rebirth reunion ch. 32 "i wonder if i should have mentioned that there will be a new member to our little group?"
Rebirth ch20
#21 of rebirth rebirth the first real battle ch. 20 like most rock type fanatics, his ball released a geodude who was a little more than happy to show off it's rocky like muscles on it's arms.
Rebirth ch19
#20 of rebirth rebirth welcome to the gym ch. 19 i walked out of the shower in the pokemon centers room that we'd rented.
Rebirth ch18
#19 of rebirth rebirth training the trainer ch. 18 i sat down in-between trisha and suicune. the three of us watched as suzy put rupert through his paces.
Rebirth ch17
#18 of rebirth rebirth lets train more than one ch. 17 the next morning was met with the same sort of over-enthusiasm as yesterday's meeting down in the café.
Rebirth ch16
#17 of rebirth rebirth lets take on a gym ch. 16 "is she going to be alright nurse joy?"
Rebirth ch15
#16 of rebirth rebirth a battle, a new friend, and an old enemy ch. 15 after the whole incident with the people that we encountered at the entrance to the town, things seemed to calm down a bit.
Rebirth ch13
#14 of rebirth rebirth destiny's guiding hand/paw ch. 13 over the next day or two, we didn't even come across one trainer.
Rebirth ch12
#13 of rebirth rebirth where the trail starts and leads ch. 12 by the next day, i had everything packed and ready to go.
The Rebirth of Dragons
It was their twilight hour. The dragons had all come to accept this truth. After they had all sacrificed so much to end one of their own. To save the world they were tasked with protecting they gave up their chance for a future. The aspects only...