
Sensei takahashi examined the parchment, trying to spot what worried his pupil. it was familiar enough - a standard map of the empire, the territories of its various clans, and the lands beyond the border.

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The Hunter's Choice Chapter Three: A new friend?

The rules were simple and you never break them, a pupil is never to mate with his mentor's kin. the female hesitated and took a step back as the look on her father's face made her uneasy.

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Night of the Were-Zoroark

Her teeth grew into razor sharp fangs as her ears grew long and pointed, eyes moving to the sides of her head as they turned crimson with slitted pupils.

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Shall I get my Fiddle?

Slowly, his black eyes with red pupils opened and stared at her, leveling his full demonic power upon her.

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My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 9

"kelly-san, were you a star pupil in your club?" soutarou asked. "no, my ex-coach already had a pupil and i didn't even wanted to take his place. it least i was his second favorite." i smiled. "haahh, i'm tired."

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 87

The bottomless black pit was just a pupil that would soon go pale and white, the red lightning was just veins, and the fire might never have been there in the first place. "it's okay, hezzi, it's okay..." ander whispered.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book I Chapter 3

Her pupils seemed to narrow and focus directly on him but moments later they again widened and she twitched a little.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 50

His eyes met cellsa first, he immediately noticed her growing smile and building up amusement in the pupils which only intensified the flush painting his cheeks.

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Wolves' Legacy 2: Chapter 11

One had a normal red hellhound eye, but the other eye had a redder colorization with golden color coming out from the slit pupil that was more of a reptile's slit that their own slit pupil.

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new guardians part one

The being looks up at the dragon and demetrius notices that his pupils were fiery orbs with cat like irises, when the being spoke it's voice was dark and powerful.


Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 179

The bottomless black pit was just a pupil that would soon go pale and white, the red lightning was just veins, and the fire might never have been there in the first place. "it's okay, hezzi, it's okay..." ander whispered.

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While her iris was a deep crimson flecked with gold, her pupil seemed to be constructed of dozens of tiny hexagonal pupils within.
