The Madness of Mrs. Frank
#1 of writers crossing prompts now that i no longer run the prompts on my server, writers crossing, i can submit to them!
Writers crossing writing prompt submission for the week starting 8/22/19 and ending 8/29/19 by @voidvixenwriting prompt this week:-you are a fresh junior researcher at nasa.
Shrines of Creation - Thursday Prompt Story [#21, 22/6/23]
Thursday prompt story: this week's prompt is... architecture hi, it's still tienno, but i was promised that the human would come back soon. in the meantime, i wanted to write this thing after seeing the prompt.
fall writing challenge - friday the 13th
Every year is exactly the same. I hope for one year to come where I don't have to worry, but alas my wishes aren't granted. Any other date or any other day of the week I'm perfectly fine. Example? Thursdays which fall on the 8th of the month - no...
Decidophobia - A Submision for Prompt 15 of the Writing Prompt Group
#13 of writing prompt group submissions this story is a departure from what i typically write. it is an experiment for me as an author.
Thursday Prompt: Outbreak
For the thursday prompt: match: posted using postybirb ?"not many other than brave health professionals volunteer for outbreak relief."
Expansive Imprint - Thursday Writing Prompt
So, over on fa there's a group called "thursday writing prompt". a group where you write a story every thursday based on a given word, phrase or image. i posted this story over there, and figured "what the heck, why not share the love?"
[citation needed] - Thursday Prompt Story [#8, 23/2/23]
The thursday prompt is provided by the user thursday_prompt on furaffinity. read every new entry of the thursday prompt a day early on our fa! sophie couldn't believe what she was seeing.
Abandoned Planet - Thursday Prompt Story [#18, 04/5/23]
Today's prompt was another unique submission, in that it was an image prompt. i'm assuming i fare a lot better with these since the idea for the story came immediately afterwards.
Writers crossing writing prompt submission for the week starting 8/22/19 and ending 8/29/19 by chaonwriting prompt this week:-you are a fresh junior researcher at nasa.
An Unusual Pregnancy
Writers crossing writing prompt submission for the week starting 8/15/19 and ending 8/22/19 by chaonwriting prompt this week: you have been informed that you are pregnant go fave the origional authors work at the link below if you enjoy!
2811042 Blackraven2_the_shrink
Writers crossing writing prompt submission for the week starting 8/8/19 and ending 8/15/19 by blackraven2writing prompt this week: the first and only ai has an identity crisis. go fave the origional authors work at the link below if you enjoy!