Love after all - Page 3

I could hear John gasp, but I was afraid to open my eyes because his reaction might be nagative. I was expecting him to get up off the bed and leave. But he didn't, what he did was both unexpected and enjoyable. He kissed me on...

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Love after all - page 2

John smiled softly at my last comment and than kissed my finger softly. I smiled and sat up, climbing into his lap and putting one arm behind his neck and laying my head on his shoulder, looking out over the ocean. Finaly...finaly John was mine. He...

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Raisjinn Pages 1-2 (W.I.P)

It was a snowy night as Raisjinn finally walked out of the bar, stumbling off the patio with a slight buzz into the road try regaining his balance. Looking around as his body recovered from the fall, the town was covered in a blanket of hard snow....

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U.O.P.I Chapter 2 Page 6

-Nova Titansteel Blitzer- "Come on, Come on! How long do you need?" I said chuckling, as I stood outside the changing rooms waiting for David. "Sorry, I'll be out shortly, I promise" David replied. The curtains open and reviled David warring a gray...

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U.O.P.I Chapter 1 page 4

The next day I woke up and booked a train ticket to London, I felt that it was time for me to start looking into my archive. -Later that day- I arrived at the Ministry of Legal Rights, I walked up to this big wooden desk, there was an old fox sat...

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U.O.P.I. chapter 1 page 2

I avrived off the plan whith Altie next to me, "so... where do we go now?" he said rasing his eye brow. I picked my bages and started walking, "we go to my home" I said dogging the oncoming traffic of other people trying to make there way to nest plan...


U.O.P.I. Chapter 3 page 10

-sometime later, Houses of Parliament, London- -David Blue Smith- I looked at benches of the MP's who sat there each day, tossing cheap insults at each other rather then actually getting there job done. About 30 minutes later everyone hade sat down in...

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Thank you for 200 page veiws.

I really appreciate you, Your helpful, giving ways, And how your generous heart Your unselfishness displays. I thank you for your kindness, I will not soon forget; You're one of the nicest people I have ever met. wrriten by: me um thanks for...

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Friendship is Pure- Prologue: A Page From History

Enjoy fellow bronies :3 prologue- a page from history most ponies learn the story of how equestria was formed at a young age, the story of how the three tribes, the pegasi, the unicorns, and the earth ponies, came together in harmony.

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Love after all - Page 6 - John

The week went by rather quickly, I spent most of it with Tai. He seemed to get rather sad when I wasn't with him, and it pained me to see him sad. We spent Thursday moving my stuff from my parent's house to his. Than I awoke on...

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The Living Skeleton Page 1 Chapter 1

It was the year 2014, that year scientists wanted to create a pill that could cure death and have people live forever, this pill was made and tested with old people and people who were gonna die due to an illness like cancer, after the deaths of these...

So close Yet So far - Page 1

Thats the first page. in the following pages you will learn more about the characters and things will get more 'hot'

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