A troll after my own heart

If you would like to join us in our literary exploits, here's the link https://t.me/joinchat/cpoezhclggenroeh0yywvg critiques and comments are appreciated. a dim light. that was all i had in these abandoned hallways.

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Through a Screen

Officially, tu was for art, where people could go to share their artistic and literary endeavors with other consumers of higher forms of expression. in reality, it was what the internet was always for: porn.

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Honor In Blood Chapter 5

So, please no moaning and groaning because i do not know where these characters are taking me in this literary journey! for po fans there is a lot of growing that he needs to do before he can get a/the girl, and he does have a year to do it.

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Bound By Blood.txt

Driven to consult a friend, i was directed here, as another outlet for my literary tendencies. while i may not be able to paint a masterpiece in photoshop, i would like to believe that i can weave a web of intrigue through the form of writing.

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A New Way of Life

A few years later at the local college, leon was typing up a report due the next day for literary class when he got an email from one of his friends that was interested in anthros, too.

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Poppy Flowers and Diesel

The story references the following literary works: the diesel by thani al-suwaidi priestess of morphine : the lost writings of marie-madeleine in the time of nazis like hiromi, i wholeheartedly recommend the diesel. it's short, but utterly gorgeous.

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We Can Be the Hero, Too

Think of this as the literary equivalent of a sketch. there's a point in every kobold's life where they discover that things have gone horribly, horribly wrong.

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Expiration Date, Part 2

"a random chat room where i would sometimes while away some bit of time, and i dropped a quick literary reference. i'd gone in under the name of 'mr. darcy.' his name was 'ferdinand,' which should have told me everything.

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Stories of Skarn - The Quick Reference Sheet

_saga and the waste lord's harem -_ some denizens of skarn dismiss saga's scrawlings as borderline literary pornography, but that's not always true. a lot of the novels are just trashy meta-fantasy. not so with this one. this one is absolutely porn.


Gesture - Zerrif 1

"so then, what'd bring a literary buff like you to work at a bar? i'm sure there's more to you than just mixing drinks, working at one of society's most infamous gay bars." "i've just been doing it for a while, and i've loved it ever since.

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The Legend Of Felicia: Sheltered Emotion

An evil that has been around since literary the beginning of all that is, is awakening and will soon make itself known to the world. it will be up to you to stop it. it will be hard and the journey tedious but this will rely only on you.

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The Axe Cuts Both Ways - Chapter 11

"it's an eclectic photo-art and literary magazine. there's a lot more to it than just... uh, female models." "that's enough, hopps," said the chief. "let's focus on the evidence board."

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