_our questions_
life doesn't just give us the answers
to our questions
we have to wait for our minds to find the answers
that it seeks.
and this takes time.
time that not everyone is willing to spend
on just waiting for answers to appear.
Patience, Poetry, life
suddenly get a feeling that
something should be there
but in the end
isn't there
you could have
done something
or your efforts
just weren't good enough
but whatever happens
that's life
things happen
Melancholy, Memories, life
It wasn't until digimon season 2 that all of the pieces of the puzzle that would be my furry life made themselves known to me. for the first time in my life, i was starting to put them together.
Real Life, essay
Making life full of hate and destruction like no other.
Poem, War, life
Thermals rise off the sides of the hills as the sun goes down, and I rise
with them, wings spread wide to catch their lift.
Warm air catches at my pinion feathers, and I rise from the side of my
hill. It's like holding your hands out in a...
Eagle, Slice-of-Life
today has been the a interesting day to say the least. I live i the UK in a flat in London with my boyfriend Tom and we have been together for 1 year know
I spent 2 months wages for a reservation at a real nice restaurant near Buckingham Palace the...
Love, Real Life
#64 of poetry
a poem about the life around us, and the life in nature.
Nature, Poetry, life
_the sea_
some things in life aren't clear
we hear the lies and truths
intertwine into each other
and sometimes,
we cannot tell the illusion
from our reality
what we feel
is not what always should be felt
we do not understand
what is beyond
Poetry, chaos, life
butterflies are floating in the dust
cringing away from all the pain
lying in the dark and lust
now all the pleasure must remain
sometimes waiting is unfair
sleeping in with rocks and hell
fires swallowing all the air
all purposes in life
Poetry, chaos, life
The world that way
with time all evidence of memories will fade
no one will know who got on their knees and prayed;
a light passing by may shed some hope
helping out all of those who struggle to cope
let this muddled message be marked and told
Innocence, Poetry, life
he's sacrificing his future,
his life is going fast.
to settle his bill,
he's paying for the past.
he really doesn't have
very long to live.
he's done all he could do,
and given all he can to give.
Payment, Sacrifice, life
It was one day like no other when I heard my friends talking about something called furries. This was just last year when I was 13,now I'm 14. They weren't my actual friends but I had walked passed overhearing them. So after school was out I went...
Real-Life, Story