A random scene con(2)
"hello, detective jane." a bunny said gently. he walked slowly toward the back of the chair where a female leopard had sat on. her front paws were tied together at the back of the chair and her legs were tied to the chair legs.
Girls' Zone 12
jane looked up at bast jamila and then down again before just turning away, "i see. i am forgiving you, just make sure you get to work now." leona and magea bowed and followed jane before danza sighed in relief, "that was close!
Baked Dough (WIP)
jane calmly replied. "she does want to take over completely someday, you know." "i don't know. i don't want to bother cheryl with this." "bother me with what?"
The 10th Doctor Turns Furry
Sarah jane then spoke up, "a furry doctor, this will be quite the adventure. and off they flew!
When I Chose You 1 - I Lost My Heart
"you did not tell jane about your dream?" asked chanoch.
Apocalypes Turtle
We are small group of four, alex managed to get the radio working in the first place she was the smartest of our bunch, dexter used to be a doctor so he was quite helpful when one of us got injured, and jane had been a farmer she had held onto
Zistopia: Inner City Blues Chapter 5
"we'll catch up later, right, jane?" ginny calls over the back of the desk area for everyone around to hear. "i'll get to really meet him, right, jane? jane?"
Zombies are Wankers: Scavenging (WITH TWO FELLOW FURS MAKING A CAMEO!)
jane added. and then albus went off on a tangent about gender roles.
Lost Cause Ch. 2
"he lives on jane street right?"
Council Session
"jane lorance, declares that shadow and ecthelon harmed her while she was at the hunter compound due to her former commanding officer ordering her to spend the day there training.
The hack: Chapter 10 (Kit)
"i do wonder who tsociety is though" "i wonder too" i said out loud as i took my lunch and sat with jane. "do you know why kate is smiling?"
Code Magus
Beneath the waters, he heard jane's voice pierce the thunder of the waves. the water settled, then slowly withdrew for the next assault, which allowed elisha to spot jane's family struggling to keep afloat.