Inner Demon

Skyclaw absentmindedly itched at the side of his muzzle, but pain snapped his mind back to attention. he looked at the paw that he used to itch it, the tips a shade of red against the green pawpads.

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SENTIENCE - Chapter One - Orbit

It was like an "itch," to use a human word. an itch for novelty. but i wasn't bored... i finally made the connection. i was "excited!"

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TLOS Legend of the black dragon Chapter 3 back to Warfang

After the itching disappeared he turned to cynder with an angry look on his face "cynder!" spyro exclaimed "what did you do?"

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Ragnarok - XXV

The itch passed over him, and soon was gone. another plume of smoke, thicker this time, and suddenly shane could not feel the wind rush past him as he fell.

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MSBA- Transformation

On top of that, hopefully from the first liquid and not from something related to all these other impossible things my entire body is starting to itch. of course i can't do anything about that.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 34

What happened to the itching? it wasn't here, even if before all of this started the itching was there, far more choking than ever in fact.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 85

Banno chuckled, but that annoying little itch in his head was back, the same itch he got whenever he looked at that backwards wall too long, only now he was getting it from that curly horn. why did he have a horn anyway? to signal the archers?

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Charlie barkins gay encounter part 8

Cahrlie:nice song you sang about bess itch. itchy:thanks charlie. and what a nice song you sang about nick and scooby being our new friends. ed:yeah nice song you two.

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Like an itch, but in your head?" he asked, evasively. i nodded. "well, as you know, cerillians can open portals, not only within our universe, but to other dimensions.

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Journey to another world ch44

Nothing came to mind as i just listened to the sound of water falling on tile, until my back started to itch. when i reached back to relive the itch, it struck.

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And so she watches, trying to block out the sounds from outside and the itching all over, she tries to block out the fear, to forget it.

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Lusa's Big Oops

But then suddenly lusa noticed she had an itch. toklo came closer and closer, almost out of the danger zone... lusa needed to itch. just a little movement, that's all... lusa lifted her paw... and slipped.

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