Part 2: Morning Talk

Unfortunately, it wasn't much, and the fox closed his eyes and tried to listen for any footsteps, or a muttering in a telephone receiver, or any other indication that the woman had reneged on an agreement that could have been made whilst she was inebriated

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Out of the frying pan for good pt.1-A tragic end calls for a bad beginning

The inebriated canine spat out. scott sighed, and said, "it's my pride necklace." after the last word had left his muzzle, he was met with a clenched paw to the side of his face, knocking him back a few steps.

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Bigger Kindgom

The stuff wasn't strong, but after over 30 barrels of the stuff, their leader was beyond merely inebriated. sloppily drunk, king koopa was a giggling, groping mess inside the sea of himself.

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Semper Arame

He asked his ear flat on his head and his tail limp, he was childlike in his inebriated state, both innocent and sheepish he looked the bottle intently.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 3

Rationality and reason might go to waste on the inebriated, but she thought she'd give it a try nonetheless.

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Quiet Violence

He was too inebriated to recall that it was improper to speak of lester bryan in public. the pub was quiet that night, but there were enough furs around to notice his ranting. "it ruined us you know, what happened to the bryan pup."

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 4

Rationality and reason might go to waste on the inebriated, but she thought she'd give it a try nonetheless.

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He had no idea why he was listening to this inebriate anymore. "seriously, i just don't see it..." "exactly!"

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Hoist The Colors

Some of the more inebriated drunkards milled about with their hands tapping on the hilts of their blades and pistols, but really did nothing. julius unclipped the buckle of his sword and watched, waiting for the impetuous fool to make his first move.

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Borderline Personality Disorder

But, i mean, like ... if your mate's a bit inebriated, you'll be able to tell. it's ... during our whole exodus business," he said, "he was getting really strained. but i saw him this afternoon, and ... and he seemed better.

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The Reunion - Part 3

If anybody noticed it in their inebriated states, they certainly didn't mention it. besides, it wasn't exactly unusual; it was normal to feel a bit of a low after the season ended.

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Against All Odds: Part 6 - Close Encounters

The pair cracked up on their stools unreservedly, earning a disapproving look from both the already dour bartending mouse and the increasingly inebriated cougar.

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