Enter the Nightmare
It was the family heirloom stolen back when they were children by him. he had wanted something that would be his and only his--something that he didn't have to share with his half-brother.
"The Thin Line," Part EE
It was probably an heirloom, since the markings on the back were from four reigns before.
Out The Door
So where the hell did i put my watch, it's an heirloom from my grandfather and very expensive, so i'd rather not lose it (it's also my only piece of jewellery). now where did i put it, oh there beside the dresser must have fallen down.
From Dungeons unto Dragons : A lycan\'s tale
That mostly happened to him, now for some reason he had to go down the tombs and find some heirloom for the distant king that had accidentally misplaced it.
Journey into Briar (Ch.1)
The sword was something he picked up in his adventuring, but the spear was an heirloom, carved with runes and passed to him from his father.
The Orphan book 1 chapter 4
But this wasn't at all a normal sword as it was a family heirloom and on the sheath a golden panther covering both sides of the sheath near the top and the same panther was imbedded into the both side of the golden painted hilt.
The Big Sister Part Six: Reunion
You cling onto this family heirloom for dear life, yet you are so quick to denounce your own bruder's good deeds? does herr baron not feed you? does he not keep siag safe with security?
Sages of the Hidden Lights: Chapters 4-6
The sword had been passed down from my father before me, a sort of family heirloom. i took a moment to simply hold it in my paws and admire its beauty and craftsmanship, just until realizing i had a duty desperately grabbing for my attention.
Servant of Darkness - Ch. 5: The Chase
This meant there were usually a wealth of spell components, magical heirlooms, and spell books to be found. the sound of a town crier pulled him out of his thoughts.
New Generation of Heroes: Chapter 9 - "Communing"
When totemic's heirloom had reacted to the boy, he'd known for sure. but, by then--even with his precautionary actions--it had been too late. "did you succeed?" dante asked him. "yes," the lynx groaned. his head drooped forward into his awaiting paws.
love between friends 05
The last thing i have is a ring, a wedding ring that was given to me by grandfather before he passed away, i want the ring to pass on as a family heirloom, and the first person i want to have it after you is your adopted son or daughter, you always told me
Power Fur Rangers- Episode 23
I can now reclaim a family heirloom that will increase my power and with it i will finally destroy the power fur rangers!!! you dare to stand in my way by capturing those i once called my friends?