Confrontation of the Lovers
Now, why don't you prove it and tell us what do you got from the garden gorging?" after the words "garden gorging" leaved chomper's mouth, nick made the unthinkable to any sharpteeth in the army: he spat in his general.
The Taste of Terror Chapter 2: Long Term Relationship
Immediately, the slick tongue was there, gorging itself on it. damian swallowed once, dragging his prey a full six inches into his gullet.
odds are against me:chapter 2
He's the one who convinced his sister to threaten gorge he still doesn't take a break even after someone died. i walked in and sat down in the front of the classroom trying to get as close to the teacher as possible.
Living Tails
-the images in the flames changed and showed the bloody battle and fall of the bear, and the aftermath of bloody gorging.
Cub of Destiny: Premonitions (Chapter 7, COD II PREVIEW!)
Stampede, in the gorge!..." "long live the king..." "the land won't last long under scar's rule. he doesn't know..." "out of the ashes of this tragedy, we shall rise..." "scar, outlanders cannot be welcomed here..." "murderer!!!!"
Couldn't Keep his Mouth Shut
Of course, the taste of the blue potion only caused it to rise within tobias' gorge, but the mouse's firm stare kept it down in his gullet.
Episode 9: Welcome to Stuff Em'z
I saw the sign saying _stuff em'z: 'official hotel/restaurant of fat men and fat food'_ and i was like "excuse me." so i ran inside and saw what i least expected to be real." he threw his arms out to the gorging crowd, "fat men eating fat food!"
Havana or Hell, Part 8 (Final part)
I gorged myself on the freely flowing energy from the dark side of the abyss and i grew to twice the size of my human form. i expected the two mi-16 agents to bolt and run, but they had been trained too well and stood their ground.
Mesozoic Park (Part 14)
"double-o-seven" i said "james bond" "but my name is gorge, sir" he said i shook my head "never mind, you stay here and wait for the truck" and i started down the trail "the rest of you, come along. this is going to be... fun..."
Office Hottie
He gorged on these seemingly haphazardly, seldom taking a bite or a gulp of the same item consecutively. he was breathing heavily as he ate, his extra chin wobbling as he chewed his noisy way through his incredibly calorific morning meal.
Kovu and Mipa: Rope Maker
Her belly - and his as well - still bulged with the ostrich meat they'd gorged on, working slowly through their system. kovu accepted small animals as snacks, but really didn't feel hungry until the third day.
A Very Interesting Discovery - Part One
It roared itself, proud to have killed its first wild animal, finally forgetting about his pursuers and gorged on his kill. the dragon ate, knowing if he smelled the humans again. they have very unique scents, and not all are bad, he hoped.