Battle Report: ReHistory - 002

Wolff Muroa Special Tactics & Operations "Eisen Dragoon" Unit Eisen Military Base, Vahalla, Nyx ZAC 12 July, 2101 Gunther Proitzen High Regent of the Guylos Empire Ministry of Imperial Affairs Imperial Ministry Building, Guygalos,...

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Battle Report: ReHistory - 001

My beloved sons, If you are reading this, then it means I have passed on to join with the Eve. Please, weep not for me. My life has been long and full, filled with great joy and much adventure. I journeyed from one end of this land to the other,...

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Isolation-Excerpt 31- The Situation Worsens

Alcatraz's condition didn't get much better as the hours past, in fact it probably got worse. The reddish tint on his skin actually got darker, His fever was hovering over 99, which was already dangerous territory for a synthetic, seeing as how they...

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#7 of fae's flash fiction so, a piece of flash-fiction here. "but fae!" some watchers might cry (cause really, who's gonna notice a clean upload but them? heh heh), "what about fae's christmas music-themed special 2011?

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"can't believe we've gone and created science fiction." "ain't the first time, carl," said romley, searching for solace in his own focus. "mankind's always created science fiction... brain surgery, microprocessors, rockets, gunpowder...

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FuturePlex Brings You The World Of Tomorrow

#4 of flash fiction my five-sentence flash fiction for the confuzzled competition. i came third! new, clean, safe: futureplex nuclear hovercars! why go out in the fallout, when you could send your futureplex robot?

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Thursday Prompt: Outbreak

I am trying smaller fiction as of late, so this one. short and done very quickly but very hard to compact things into 50 words. wikipedia calls this a dribble and is in the family of flash fiction.

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This is a "fur-fiction" or, furry fan fiction of the t.v v. series f.r.i.e.n.d.s. where chandler falls for joey. probably the first of its kind. episode: 72 scene 1: the main cast is sitting in central perk , talking.

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Passing Trade

#3 of flash fiction a quick piece of flash fiction. "you want me to do _what_?" joko's eyes bulged in his black mask, and he twitched his ears. "that's sick!" "but think of the money!" the gibbon stretched his lips into an ingratiating smile.

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March of Progress - Rainfurrest 2013 Flash Fiction

March of Progress Murphy raised the whiskey glass to his snout again. His claw wanted to tighten around it, but he feared he might break the glass. Cuts were the last thing the alligator needed now, with his leg already aching like a son of a...

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Megaloplis - Truth can be stranger than fiction

**truth can be stranger than fiction** by chris gilman as the first rays of sun start to shine through the window of the bedroom they radiate on the face of a young male jackal.

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Blank Verse Essay on Intentionality in Queer Fiction

I will not say here, 'no more happy ends.' I won't presume to undercut the need For stories of queer heroes of queer worlds Where homophobia has never been. For gods of sunset, moon, and winter know That if no tale but such as these were told...

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