Black and White – Chapter 4: Fair game.

And they exist. mr. key also shared with us that when we make them exist. i didn't ask why they should exist, but douglas did. "it's a matter of being, pup. and we are entitled to be, just as much as you breathe, enjoy, and weep.

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World descriptions

Most people don't know magic exists, and of those that do, the secret is closely guarded and kept protected.

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Perhaps the stretch of existence that included the vibrations would not last as long as the stretch of existence without them. it contemplated the fact that stretches of existence could be measured and compared.

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Wind of Change: Chapter 37

Yet, despite the massive library of records, it is still the universe where it exists. there are no records of what comes before. it is concerned that, like what comes before, the present will be wiped out of existence, and a new balance will be drawn.

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 42

If something that didn't exist before suddenly gained a purpose, then it would exist. and exist it did. banno picked up a flat, silvery box thing with a piece of metal hanging from the corner by a frail-looking chain.

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The Tower

They tell us the present is the only time that exists. we know that nothing exists. everything exists. the present is an illusion past. a faint shadow of comprehension of that which was or perhaps never was.

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A Brief Overview of Runeterra

The two exist alongside one another and thus cannot survive without the other much like two sides of the same coin.

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 43

They'd simply cease to exist. but sacrifices had to be made for the greater good. in this case, that was their purpose. to die outside of him so that valery could find her true place, existing inside his existence. surely they could understand that?

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Enigmas for Thought

"i'm not talking about existence or essence," alex said with a sigh, "what i mean is that, you know you exist in that respect. but how do you know that you are in control of your existence?"

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Saving the Lost

I know what exists. but this place isn't supposed to exist. and that is definitely is not supposed to be existing here. at this point i know just about as much as you do. i'm in uncharted waters here so cut me some slack, ok?"

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Saving the lost..

I know what exists. but this place isn't supposed to exist. and that is definitely is not supposed to be existing here. at this point i know just about as much as you do. i'm in uncharted waters here so cut me some slack, ok?"

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[The Aspect of Death]

#1 of background stories there are many aspects of death that exist in some form around the world...

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