Second Chances & New Beginnings: Epilogue

I was beyond nervous the day of my psychological evaluation and i paced the room like a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs, though the waiting room of the place where it had been carried out didn't have any rocking chairs.

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Little Talks Chapter 4

Would his insurance company even listen to my evaluation? what could i do to fight this? i may lose battles, but i never lose wars. this is especially true when the spoils consisted of trist.

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Raiyev Part 20

"a lot of basic information about our planet, the creatures living here...but then a lot of specific information including employee profiles, psych evaluations, that sort of thing." "how do you know all of this?" raiyev asked.

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Brothers in Arms - On Sugar Mountain

Carstez decided to put him up on psychological evaluation. abrubtly the firing from the .50 cal stopped while lewis and tank were still only halfway across the courtyard. "i think we might have a problem napolean..." hank murmered over the tac-com.

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The Ring of Magi: Prologue

I apparently scored very well on my re-evaluation of my magickal flow, and am eligible for reclassing." "oh you mean the 'wacky wizard' sinclair of the ring of magi?" the guard looked, puzzled. "and you're happy about it?" "why wouldn't i be?"

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Natural Science- Hyperspace

Now, i want to see you in a month preparing your theses for final evaluation," he said as the sudetns, some wanting to stay after class to have a word with shafranek, others in a rush to leave.

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Trials: Chapter IV-2

The latter reason is so we can evaluate your condition; unaltered by any drugs. as soon as we're finished, i'll get you whatever you wish and something to kick the pain in the teeth." "alright... that sounds nice.

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Love Match Prologue

Understand, you're not just being evaluated against people at your company. this is across the world. all the best tennis ball factory workers, all the best concession stand workers, all the best system administrators.

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Chapter 1: The Judgement of Lily Marks

"it's a place where i get to...evaluate my past life and...decide how to do better next time?" the fur she now knew was not jesus smiled, and the whole forest was bathed in sunlight.

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Infinite Blue [Part 1]

These were balanced against the ethical and moral concerns of changing someone's humanity, but within a few years once srp had been evaluated by federal courts that the procedure did not result in unnecessary mental or physical harm, death row inmates were

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You ARE a writer! : Srsly (2nd step on the road to success!)

If this all seems a bit high brow for you, re-evaluate why you just spent a couple of minutes reading the above. it hopefully didn't make you feel better about yourself, and it sure as hell didn't improve your word count.


"evaluating life there big shot?" ganta didn't reply, john repeated himself in a louder voice and ganta snapped back into reality and quickly turned his head towards the other.

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