Shadow Cradle Chapters 4+5
They tell me that the "full" elf thinks that half-elves aren't people, and that the only thing greater than her is... me? the one armed human believes the "full" elf shouldn't come with us to where we're going.
Shadow Cradle Chapter 3
Something is different, though. the humans are all on the other side of the room, the half-elf is sitting next to me, rubbing it's paw against my side, which feels really nice, and a new tall one, with pointier ears than the half-elf, is talking
Ferina III - Chapter 1
Of the dwindling race of the wood elves.
The Path Less Traveled, Part 2
I jumped up as he fell to the ground, and through the few imperial soldiers left, i saw raylus and rokir coming up the road, the wood elf carrying his bow and the dark elf armed with an axe.
The Guilded Cage, Ch 14
The elf closed his eyes, slowly shaking his head.
Furtasian Species Guide
**noble races** **_humans_** human **_elves_** half-elf high elf dusk elf ice elf wood elf sea elf kalimbar **_dwarves_** mountain dwarf hill dwarf deeping dwarf dunkeln dwarf **_warren folk_** hill folk river folk light
Dominion Khajiit Chapter 1
"that is surprising, given what i've heard about wood elves," an elf quipped. "well you can't blame her," another elf said. "after all, you are a high elf- we're the closest thing to the divine in this world. even orcs find us attractive."
Wasteland Survivor – From ashes - ch20
An elf? i was being attracted to an elf? i was just starting to wonder if the sergeant we had met earlier might be an elf too when bri returned, wearing similar gear to the warrior from before, but without a gun.
Gnoll Brigand: Prologue II
Lots of the stories would involve a human and an elf, or a young elf and an older elf, with either the young elf or the human being outsmarted as a theme.
Chapter 1
The elf fidgeted awkwardly. "do you want to play hide and seek?" xxxxx freya was jostled awake as the horse pulled the cart over a rock in the road.
Tides of Battle: Chapter 3: Arena
The elf got some credit for being quick of hand, but apparently not quick of wit. seeing that she was paying no attention to me, i dropped to all fours and skidded to a stop, turning around and sprinting back towards the elf.
Aldruin, Chapter II: Councilor
_an elf-_she thought. _it's councilor dalnassir come to discuss my... future._ her lip curled into an unseen sneer. gil was not fond of elves, and this enmity extended even deeper still toward the elves of the artificer's council.