They met two years ago, when niwen, after gaining his diploma as a historian at sorbonne, came back to poland and worked as a part time teacher in a nearby high school. he still remembers her looks from those days.

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Chapter 8

"gardening doesn't require a diploma." freddy chuckled. he put down the watering can and proceeded to cut some of the weeds with the shears. "yet people study it during school." bonnie commented. "for good reason." freddy responded.

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Dewey Zero-One 01: Dewey

**dewey** by 12 as sonichowler originally published march 9, 2007 eighteen-year-old dewey raiden smiled as he triumphantly waved his new diploma at his guardian. laitan somerson smiled back and greeted him with a big hug. "congratulations, dewey!

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Fugitive's Trust Chapter 1 Part 1 of 2

Sajani didn't need to turn to know that the wall behind her was stark white with four framed diplomas on it. like the books, all four were exactly alike in shape, although the words they contained were different.

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Jeremy 021; Landing With Both Feet Running

As the only other graduate sat after accepting her diploma the dean paused and with a glance back at him started another speech. she related how proud she was to have the first dominant graduate from the academy in seven years.


Little Talks

"i may not have a md but i know a thing or two about medicine, in fact a whole hell of a lot more than you and your 3 month career training class that needed nothing more than a high school diploma so if i were you i would shut your mouth

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Shining Aura: Tony's Journey Chapter One: Emerald Eyes

Most trainers started their journeys at age eleven, but i had wanted to wait until i at least had graduated trainer's school, and now that my bright shiny new diploma was hanging in a decorated picture frame over the fireplace in the den, i felt i was

Fates of the Ferals: Three Ring Circus

"i think they're going to accept me as soon as i've got my diploma in hand, which will be soon enough!" "awesome, man! you know, bradford is actually a lot closer here than the school you're going to now. i've done it by longboard a million times.

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Little Talks Chapter 2

I'm _sorry_ i'm not an md but what people around here always seem to forget is that i have a masters; i'm not the product of some technical degree that required 3 months of training and a high school diploma. i demand an ounce of respect!

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Natural Habitat Interviews 2: Jybian

My career as a smart ass was already begun even before i got my diploma. james lipton: didn't your teachers object to your reading in their classrooms? jybian: for a while, yeah.

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 38: Gentle Knocks

He had a diploma; surely, he could get another one. he'd ask around for vacancies when he had time. "the ceiling's not gonna fall over, kev." he turned his head at that voice, waking him up from his musings.

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Natural Habitat Interviews 1: Lightfoot

I only mean that my grades were good enough to provide a diploma and a dubious b-minus average. forgive me for bragging, but i managed to do that without reading a single textbook. it's not really bragging after all; it's very sad.

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