2021-08-30 Writing in 3D Exercise

Someone with the same diet of fire and sea life as her. she had a wall. right above where her nest was. the nest that had no egg yet.

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The adoption process (4)

Species was a green anole. height was at about five foot two and their was small details too, like diet, he was a vegitarien. strange for a insectavoreus species but everyone has their prefrences.

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The Parahuman Baseline

Dietary: their iron-rich blood requires an iron-rich diet. almost as important as the development of the parahumans themselves was the development of a series of high-iron legume and algae that could be grown on ground-up asteroid.

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Chapter VII: Compassion In Your Hands

"we'll wean you off a formula diet eventually, but i don't want to upset your tummy by changing your diet up so soon. now, drink up," she said. kaeden accepted the bottle, and began nursing. he felt very relaxed, soothed, and comforted.

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I found a job fast at a local bank which was only a few short minutes away, and i decided to kickstart my diet by walking to work.

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Day 3

It was as i started splashing water on myself i started to notice further changes, my already lean frame had leaned out much more, although weather due to my interrupted diet lately or not, was debatable.

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[Commission] Path of the warrior

Same drills, same diet, same social isolation, same endurance tests. her next fight was even more embarrassing than her previous one. with the ring of the gong, her opponent simply swiped her feet, got on top of her and hit her once.

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Chapter 4: Training

"are you putting me on a diet or something?" i asked. i sure hope not, diets suck. "no," grandpa explained, "just a training exercise. your waistline shouldn't affect you in the way i will train you.

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Creating a character

The common people of sei'tan live in simple quarters and eat a simple diet. a daughter is married before she even meets her husband and the son tills the land until he becomes the head of the family.

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Maximus - Recovery, One Whale at a Time

'from now on you are not to hunt any fish, whale, or seal, and you are to stick the strict diet brought to you, and nothing more.'

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First for everything part 2

When it comes to food, chubs don't like to be restricted in their diet. asking them to change their diet (especially vegetables!) to a healthier one would be like destroying their lives. that was my experience with the people i met in the past.

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Tale of the Wind Goddess Chapter 1

Because unfortunately, the king had us legendz slaves on a diet that contained less food than we legendz need to eat daily in order to gain strength and power.

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