Games list as of 5/20/2014
Layton and the diabolical box power rangers: super legends radiant historia rondo of swords rune factory 2 shin megami tensei: devil survivor shin megami tensei: devil survivor 2 shin megami tensei: strange journet sonic chronicles the dark brotherhood
A Night of Regrets
My notes of brotherhood and comfort contrasted against his sad tune. a chores of other howls came a few seconds later, harmonizing into an impromptu melody. the angry shouts and curses weren't far behind, bringing a quick end to his wailing.
Take it as a Compliment
Consequently, he discovered precisely what happens to liars who appropriate the reputation of our brotherhood." ralph really wished the master of ceremonies would get to the point.
March of Progress - Rainfurrest 2013 Flash Fiction
"i realize everyone here has been expecting a long, drawn out process of evacuation before we build the glorious railroad that will connect these great states to one another in brotherhood!
Soul of Fire - Prologue
"bring him to the brotherhood?" "they will not like him." "what shall we tell them?" "only that he shall save both our worlds. that his life is worth the risk." "and what of the storm?"
Pokemon Story - Brotherhood of the Bracken Sea Ch. 2
Pokemon story - brotherhood of the sea ch. 2 by j.c. solis pokemon is copyright © of nintendo, game freak, and the pokemon company i do not intend to infringe on copyrights, and this work is purely fanfiction.
Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master - CH 165
With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood."
Razgriz: The Legend
With this power came intrigue, many other governances and cultures began to envy the newfound strength and brotherhood of the reliance.
Balanced on the Knife Edge Ch. 2
All i ask in return is that you at least consider going to the dark brotherhood sanctuary with me." karme sighed. she did not like to be this beholden to someone, but she had no choice. "fine. do you know how to hunt?" "already taken care of."
Balanced on the Knife Edge Ch. 8
But she had somehow expected that even the dark brotherhood would have standards. nusha eventually spoke. "what else can we do? they're preventing anyone from leaving the imperial city.
Balanced on the Knife Edge Ch. 7
Hieronymus Lex had seen a lot in his time as captain of the city watch. He'd apprehended a vendor who was poisoning his competition, he'd quelled a horde of goblins who attempted to invade the city through the sewers, and he'd watched the Thieves'...
Balanced on the Knife Edge Ch. 6
I thought i might as well die in my homeland, alone, than by failing the brotherhood. it was a ridiculous idea. i had no more idea how to survive in black marsh than a nord. i walked for days, slowly starving to death, sure that it was the end.