Lab Report, Dr. Renat Rodion: Study of Subject 13, "Echo", and Local Wildlife

Similar to our own evolutionary brain development, some have speculated, the brain has fostered self-interested motivations, practical ambitions and self-reliance like the r-complex/triune area of the human brain (reptilian complex).

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Abandoned Story - Virtual Story WIP

We're all just brains in jars and the restrictions of that other world aren't relevant anymore... the sooner you realise that, the happier you'll be hun."

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Blossom Brainwashed

"let's start scanning her brain!"** **sam and lindsey began to manipulate the control panel, the memories of blossom were displayed on the screen.

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Off Leash Chapter 9!

No brain! don't use the brain!" "what the hell are you babbling about?" "he is attempting to describe the fact that your human mind is far more intelligent than a feline brain," said an owl sporting a bowtie perched on top of my tv.

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GTU - Genesis of failure

Muscle died and then grew into new muscle increased strength and brain power developed as the brains neurons split and reconnected electric signals of the brain shot around the body. dr. alphonas watched in horror.

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sciencel lab transformation pt1

What i have learned from that experience is that there is a certain type of brain wave hiding deep inside your brain and that brain wave is similar to a certain type of animal brain wave.

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Fallen Angels, Part five - Night is the time for Killing

He was scheduled for capping of a small brain aneurysm. that's when a weak blood vessel in the brain forms a bubble that can pop at any moment.

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They especially made scans of the brain - on those whose brains hadn't yet rotted away. this data was stored and, when our two races finally left earth-that-was, this data was stored here, on this ship.

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Yes, it has a rat brain connected with a bluetooth connection. it really is interesting. each time we've gotten different results. you could almost say each brain has a different personality."

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._ they were creating a brain and a memory. they were creating an _artificial person_.

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The Awareness of Nothing

It inhabits the personality one involuntarily portrays objectively can relate subjectively to a larger image of itself which is in fact the awareness of oneness, spawned from nothing to be seated in the biological brain of its being nothing cannot

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