Sur les traces d'une vampire

En rentrant chez lui, Ryan se sent mieux. Au départ, il en voulait un peu à Éloïse d'avoir été aussi sceptique et pragmatique, mais au final il se sent mieux grâce à elle. Au moins, maintenant, il n'a plus l'impression de sombrer dans la folie. Il...

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Que faire maintenant ?

De retour chez lui, Ryan se remet doucement de ses aventures. Il a du mal à croire que c'était bien vrai, mais en passant la patte sur son visage et en voyant le sang qui coule toujours, il ne peut plus douter. Il va se rincer le visage à la salle de...

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This tall, stately bat with eyes of flaming gold seems to hold half the palace in his thrall, while the other half hate and fear him.

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The trap cave

The small dragon-bat, in full darkness, rubbed his tail more faster and suddenly the enormous black dragon starts to wanting to sneeze.

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Scotch Pine

And the bat paused for a moment. breathing. slightly fiddling with his ears. even giving, now and then, a tiny tug at his whiskers. just to hear him squeak. just to be able to hear that.

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Ryan, kangourou artiste

Voilà, je me jette à l'eau, j'essaye (de toute façon, peu de personnes vont lire cette histoire, elle est en français! :-) Ca fait un certain temps déjà que je voulais écrire quelque chose, je pensais d'ailleurs le faire en Anglais Mais ce qui m'a...

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Bon Hiver

"oh ... " "i think it can be arranged," the bat said quietly, "for us to do that." a sharp smile. "little bit later." "i could do with a nibble. or two." "i get to nibble first," the bat said, with mock-possessiveness.

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Hoosier Tomatoes

The bat blinked. "you, uh ... you're thinking about squeaks," he guessed. able, through their bond, their link, to read the basics of her mind.

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The bat, herself, had a much shorter tail. stubbier, and rudder-like (for steering during flight). and hers had soft, pink fur on it.

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Sheltered from the Coming Cold

"and bats is bats, and mouses is mouses," he added, for good measure. "mouses," she whispered, her breath warm, "is mouses." a breath. asking of her husband, "so, that being so, do i need to ask you again ... as to what we'd like to do?"

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"gotta sit for a bit," she told akira, setting the mouse-bat gently down on the ground (where she blinked and craned her neck and watched the scene). "okay," adelaide said, camera out.

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"and i know," he whispered, "you're a bat." "i keep forgetting," she said, matching the playfulness of his tone. and the gentility of his manner. "forgetting?" "that you've unlocked all the mysteries of my bat-ness."

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