Piano Keys and Heart Strings
A moment of silence passed before lightly striking the first few notes, leading into a slow ballad-like feel. there was a sort of swing feel to the music with syncopations that made it groove, but still made more solemn by minor chords.
Ruined Nights: Part 2
The fading static-music quickly was replaced by the soft ballad being played by the live big band in the restaurant. "they have a dance floor," i remarked, somewhat in question. "yeah," sylvia smirked, "but you were never much of a dancer.
Calin Regaining the Edge Chapter two
Shaking his mane excitedly leonard continued "i used to sing all his ballads i could find. he was a hero to norms and people all over the star map." "yeah to me he was dad. the one who taught me to track and to fish.
Chapter 3 - Graduation
Something from the nineties would be a perfect start, and then we could finish out the night with a powerhouse of a rock ballad. "francesca catherine hill, usala georgina holter..."
Exposure - Chapter Ten
In this case, jason knew that the next song would almost certainly be some sort of slow ballad, and he prepared himself. he'd been thinking about this moment for quite a while now, and the time had come.
#1 of the ballad of rosie and manny a picture will inspire a story, and that's the case here. i can't point you to the picture, however. originally, this story was requested of the two people whose characters appeared in that picture.
Chronicles of Elysium City - New Beginings #1: Sweet Child of Mine
The pained arpeggios of an electric guitar seemed to speak directly to aneko's heart as the singer launched into an emotional ballad. _she's got a smile that it seems to me, reminds me of childhood memories.
Not All Men Are Wolves (Chapter 5)
#5 of not all men are wolves (short story) **chapter 5: moonlight ballad** i had far too many thoughts slamming against the inner walls of my skull, screaming for my attention while also
"From Whom All Blessings Flow," Part E
However, the ballads did often talk of furs, either before or after battle, holding vigils.
The Tower
It was a ballad he knew all too well. he'd seen it hundreds of times. although he dreaded the ending every time. another day gone. cold and alone. abandoned. then came the longing again. the same cycle over and over again.
Signing Up for the Tour
#3 of the ballad of rosie and manny our story continues, as rosie considers whether or not she really wants to be in on this junket. after all, if the company is involved, how kim-chee is her brother really in?
"The Thin Line," Part GG
"you know, the balladeers say there are only something in the vein of six or seven true story plots.