Chapter 7

Zora stood Ashley right behind him, at the bottom and waited as Magnus descended after them. Zora turned to look at the door in front of them, it was locked tight. "Ashley, think you can pick that?" Zora asked as Magnus stepped off the stairs, Ashley...

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Chapter 6

Zora frowned in thought as he stepped through the front door, Ashley was sitting on the couch but when he entered she leapt up. "Zora!" Ashley exclaimed, Wrapping him in a hug, "I was worried you'd do something stupid." she looked up at him, tears in...

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Chapter 5

Zora awoke, Ugh what happened, Zora tried to get up but stumbled, Oh my head, he thought as he stood up, Lilly!, His mind suddenly clicked. He glanced around, the festival had cleared out and it was about the middle of the night, he frowned, Damnit, He...

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