Shadow of Loyalty Chapter 1
Rainbow was in her house hours later doing a very rare thing for her. She was crying, not just a few tears. She was full-out wailing. Then again, it's not every day that ponies you once considered as close as family stab you in the back, so she felt...
Shadow of Loyalty Prolouge
Shadow of Loyalty By Admiral Q Rainbow couldn't believe what she was seeing below her. Then again the last couple weeks have been odd. It started simple enough. She rescued a filly trapped in a well and got some praise for it. As she did other...
Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 6
After caroling and shopping which Selene had a blast doing in rebuying some items knowing what her version of the girls liked. They headed back to the house and Selene noticed that Shining was very interested in going back. She fear he has not taken...
Born For Loyalty Chapter 9
_Back again, sorry for the long wait. It has been a crazy past couple of weeks. First was heading to my folks house and reassuring them that I was fine and told them of my new title. I would have shown them the Element of Loyalty but Celestia took them...