poem 1

And, sharing them, discover them anew.

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Poem #12: Science

#12 of poetry somewhat self-explanatory _science_ learning and exploring discovery in results experience anew history beyond our time life, its preservation how it works studious activities and sleepless nights effects upon the universe


loss of a love one

Then i wept anew for i loss dear friend that day. to make the heartbreak worst, i did not get to bid him fond farewell, that day i stay in bed so he could be found. had i known that day was he last, i would have awoken to say my farewells to him.

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Illian: A shattered world

#1 of illian: a world born anew this part of the illian tale is hopefully the only one without yiff, but nonetheless this is necessary for the story behind illian.

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Refreshed anew by this lead, a soldier bellows 'this is the end!' as i pull out my hair, and roll onto the ground. contacts ask 'are they dead?' then i shout 'you're all bell-ends!' as i kick away my chair, the mic records no sound.

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The Witching Hour Arrives

As the nymphs of fire dance over the old earth there is little cursing through the system as the night is growing anew from birth.

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K for Kissing

This meant that he was being pressed down into her breasts again, and as a result starting to blush anew.

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The Wolf Betrayed/A Renewal of Light

It's is all repeated anew, his pain neverending. "is there a way out...?" he questioned the moon, her cold light gleaming down.

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Fluffybutt Prose Poem: Peppermint

Delighted children sample and share, she wiggles her paws and plants anew. scrutinous gourmets pick and scorn, she blushes and retreats.

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A look back...

Chances i've had for my choices made, i'd like to believe, so far, i haven't done that bad =] even if others see otherwise from your point-of-view everyday we wake, is truly another chance to start again, & change why, to turn a page, & start life anew

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you cant straighten what you cant unbend (poem)

When i hold you close under the stars it reminds me my heart isn't stuck behind bars no longer tied in iron schackles and every time we kiss my heart crackles and when you whisper "i love you" my feelings for you are anew whenever i am feeling

A poem I wrote some time ago.

I stand here at this point in life, wondering what to do i stand here at this point in life, wishing i had you but as i stand here idly wishing, i turn and gaze anew at the man i hate with the one i love, it's you, it's you, it's you i see you

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