The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 20

A yin yang symbol was melted into his flesh, the medallion simple and mundane, ironically being the most normal thing he will definitely see today.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book II Chapter 10

Hunter then unstrapped the yin-yang symbol and reverently placed in the corner of the flat rock ahead of him, as far away from the weapons as possible.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 61

Stands out in this forsaken grounds like the light of a lighthouse in a foggy night, everyone can see it, but only a chosen few are capable enough to take advantage of it" hunter's ears dropped on flat on the skull, hand automatically reached to scratch the yin-yang

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The Cuddling Fox

My lock was special in it's own right; it was a yin-yang symbol, which basically summarized my beliefs in life. i believe that everything has a good and a bad side to it, and both of them eventually balance out.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 1

They were like a yin-yang symbol like hunter wears, he was childish when around people while she was serious, when they are alone the roles change. in the end though, the result was obvious and clear, they understood each other basically without words.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book I Chapter 12

He is wearing a hooded brown coat with a dark reddish cape pinned to it with a yin-yang symbol, just below the symbol a falcon feather could be seen. a bow and a filled quiver colored just like his cape were strapped on the feline's back.

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Mage ch 11

"yo, yin yang!" a familiar voice greeted from down the hall, answering the husky's question.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 1

Out of the two she could see for certain that the second objective was reached, there was no more red discoloration around the trinket, clearly stating that the body was no longer fighting with the eaten inside the flesh yin-yang medallion.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VI Chapter 2

"because hope will always be with you" amela looked at the yin-yang token in hunter's opened palm. she blinked, brown eyes flashed, adopting once a more brighter hue and once dimmer.

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The Inner Animal

Koi fish swam in a yin yang pattern inside the crystal clear water and i smiled as i watched the fish make their patterns in the water.

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A Turning Point (Pacifism part 3)

Some sat around the fountain doing homework that is due next class while others sat on the edge of the fountain, admiring the koi fish that swam around in a yin yang pattern in the crystal clear waters.

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 120

There was trash and food everywhere, toilet paper out the yin-yang, stuff was broken and all. but between the four of us, we turned that into this in just a days time! look at the trees now! that statue there! the plaza looks spotless...

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