A Second Chance Chapter 2

who am i? what am i?' were the only thoughts going through my mind, as i pushed against the warm walls of my prison only for the walls to expand and then contract around me.

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Of Magic and Fur (Part 1)

"who am i?!" as i try to gather my senses and remember what was happening, the sudden realization comes to me that i don't remember anything that happened to me, or even my name, for that matter.

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Standing In Silence

If you don't believe this, well, i do have one thing to say: who am i to tell you what you could do? after all, this is just from my view.

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Another Story...

The voice supposed "who am i?" "what am i?" said sarcastically as the echo's of the voice faded away again "..come on zel there is no need to play tricks on me...."

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2 Wolrds - The Truth

"i see you even don't know who am i and you just hit me from no reason. tell me just one thing." drax said and guy said " and that would be?" " do you want to die or end up in hospital for longer time ?"

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The Cry of Stars

So when the question comes around to me, "who am i?" i know the answer. i am myself, and nobody else. i am me. who he made me to be. the brightest star in the night sky. the brightest. but also the dimmest.

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Daddy's Baby Girl (Part 2)

"who am i?" he asked, pointing at himself. "daddy." the fox mumbled into the pacifier. "attagirl." he praised, pulling the diaper over andlat's front and giving it a gentle rub with a smile. "and who are you?"

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Darkness Rising

"who am i, servant?" he supplicated, as he always did. "you are my lord kieral, master, overlord and ruler of all. i bow before you, submitting totally to your will." "very good, lordrad. your submission pleases me.

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Darkness 1: Beginning

who am i? i... it's hard. do i even know? i'm about 16, looking at my body, but why do i need to look to be sure? what's my name? why is it so hard? i have a name, don't i? i'm in a strange place, completely alone.

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MidnightSun chapter 5: Derek?

who am i?" his voice held no emotion apart from the most deepest of sorrows, even hearing his voice broke becky's heart further. she stood up and walked to the bar, picking up the small box she told sparrow to collect from the car the day before.

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StrangeOwl Chapter 2

who am i? what had happened? i knew to keep quiet for the chief was about to begin the story of my beginning. once upon a summer solstice when the hunters were out on the hunt, a snowy owl, as you all know, showed the hunters to the hidden glen.
