Life as an Elite part 2

But for now i want you to train with weapons with hand to hand. you will have to fight holding a weapon a lot." i nodded as he handed me a plasma rifle. i stared at it, remembering that in the past i been beaten with this weapon by my father.

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Life as a Elite Chapter 2

But for now i want you to train with weapons with hand to hand. you will have to fight holding a weapon a lot." i nodded as he handed me a plasma rifle. i stared at it, remembering that in the past i been beaten with this weapon by my father.

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To The Rescue

"hand-to-hand, no weapons, no powers." "fine..." fang and mitch left their swords implanted in the ground and stepped away while leon and panther discarded their firearms and took off their utility belts and vests and the fight was soon on.

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Nina's Character Reference Sheet

Bad at hand-to-hand combat. taught to high level in playing violin, and singing. excellent cook. close friendships/relationships: family: father, henry peter dartford, deceased.

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Human Experimentation: Redux: The Fire is Starting: P1

"_ isaac tilted his head and looked toward greg, "that's alright chloe, but this means we'll have to fight hand to hand." chloe accepted this and looked toward greg, _"think he'll be ok?"_ she asked through her thought speak.

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A Boy and His Lucario Part 11

"ah man" donal whined "i was hoping to get to do some hand-to-hand combat training with mankey today." mankey and donal both sighed. kyo faced them. "don't complain. sensei is very old, he can't go like he used to.

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The Draconian - Prolouge

My father's was bare from the beginning, seeing as the draconia clan's fighting techniques were mostly hand-to-hand and close quarters combat.

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Athyrian History

The second, third, and fourth year they train in stealth and hand to hand combat. the fifth and sixth year is spent training in bladed and broad weapon combat. the seventh and eighth year is spent in firearm combat.

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Seans' Character Reference Sheet

Reasonable skill in hand-to-hand combat, though no professional or expert. reasonably well-read, with a strong interest in modern history and science, but no excelling professional qualifications. not a bad cook, good driver.... by his opinion, anyway.

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dawn of a mythic world

to hand fight they would win any day.** **you may ask if i'm the third most powerful sorceress why would i care about not having the cenetsu well i will tell you how would you feel if every day of your life your looked down upon because you're lesser

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are first mission

Our way out of the forest but it only felt like it was an endless nightmare that never really ended we then heard some gunfire and shouting from the distance this only made us feel even more considering we don't have any weapons we only knew how to fight hand-to-hand

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Forged in Fire, Chapter 2

I had already put in four hours yesterday in hand-to-hand combat. why would i ever need hand to hand combat?!? i was a journalist and reporter, not a commando!

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