Fugitive's Trust Chapter 3 Part 2 of 2
When the chance presents itself, she takes up with an escaped vykati slave and tries to make her way back to drtithen.
What Once Was Eden: Chapter 5 Part 1 of 4
When the chance presents itself, she takes up with an escaped vykati slave and tries to make her way back to drtithen.
What Once Was Eden: Chapter 5 Part 3 of 4
When the chance presents itself, she takes up with an escaped vykati slave and tries to make her way back to drtithen.
What Once Was Eden: Chapter 5 Part 2 of 4
When the chance presents itself, she takes up with an escaped vykati slave and tries to make her way back to drtithen.
Fugitive's Trust Chapter 4 Part 2 of 2
When the chance presents itself, she takes up with an escaped vykati slave and tries to make her way back to drtithen.