FnaJ: Title anounced and more!

The cheapest solution is to hire a night guard to watch the unfinished security system and try to prevent anything happening at night, but jack and his friends have plans of there own... can you survive five nights at jack's!

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A girl lost in a storm (unfinished) she trudged through the snow on her way through nowhere. her skin tingled and numbed from the cold, her wet hair clung to her face and practically froze to her skin.


Conquering the Fear

You wind up focusing so much on making the story "good" that writing it stops being enjoyable and it winds up going unfinished because "it's not good enough." the first step to writing a story is to put words on paper. the rest can come later.

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I asked myself, what do you do when a ghost's unfinished business can't be finished? previously published in the anthology roar 9.

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That frequent my mind each day i find a few that seem to want to stay some doubtful, delusional, & some plain strange all share one thing, they leave some kind of room for change it's a given, in some ways, a curse like only being able to whisper a unfinished

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a Lack of sound

He forgot why he was still here but he had unfinished business. soon the ex jumped off a very tall building and a bird of peace flew away and told that he was possessed and that's where the story ends but yet nothing has been resolved.

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Skyler character

#2 of skyler: story (i will continue to update this, i was really impatient and couldn't wait to upload the story which is why this is unfinished, i'm so sorry) skyler characters information will vary depending on the chapter.

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The Origin of Nevyn and Arzosah

"during a contract with a certain company me and my sister was paid to kill a wolf hybrid, but after several failed executions arzosah suggested that we should leave the contract unfinished and see if our former target have some job for us.

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Fed bonds remade and walls rebuilt still alive still aware awakening and yet never slept betrayed deceived still yearning and still shaking more is needed left unfinished

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(no title yet)

This is a unfinished and temporary file that will be deleted in 3-4 days. will be taking votes for a title and will use the most popular name at the end of this files lifespan. senior year.. the idea scares me but at the same time..

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Brighter Later prolugue

The swell of mildew permeated the unfinished walls clouding the air and dimming the light coming from the single lamp sitting on the desk. the knock came again accompanied by a voice this time, "sir, are you ok?"

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