Consortium 1-2: Chekov's Gun Chapter 6
Of course she had it in her head that the station was going to be this cramped little affair with nothing more than the station crew and the politicians.
Consortium 1-4: The Gathering Storm- Chapter 4
Kinou was on his way to a new station. he wasn't able to find anyone on that station that approached him or was involved in the attacks on the station, which is unfortunate. but he was able to get something of use, albeit almost accidentally.
Out the Airlock: Chapter 1
Where most space stations have a command structure not unlike the military, the wstp, or whisper system trading post, uses a council type setup for the station governance and laws, station police, a station judicial system, and related civilian-run
Consortium 1-5: The Black Guilds- Chapter 1
And the more interesting thing which he did also relay back to the station is why it is that they are targeting the station itself.
Void Incursions Prelude: Part 2
You may now enter the station and park at zone [13-2].
Consortium 1-2: Chekov's Gun Chapter 3
Being the most important part of the station it is located in the core of the station itself, right along the very center of the station.
Consortium 1-2: Chekov's Gun Chapter 8
So do they just sit here and stare at the station until something else happens. and then what if nothing ever shows up? would they just become a permanent fixture to the station? would they eventually move on?
Consortium 1-1: TD14 Chapter 7
The ships in orbit around the station are first for station defense, and second to deal with independent threats to the assembled races.
"this is ct station rt-312. we have received your distress call. please respond."
Assassin p1
"station 1; all clear" "station 2; all clear" "station 3; all clear" "station 4; clear" "station 5; all clear here" "station 6; all clear" there was a long pause before another crackle over the walkie-talkie "station 7; clear" everyone gave
Night of Terror (dream)
That night, we were at the station when, "attention all units, high rise fire downtown. units from the main station and station 2, station 3, please remain on standby." it was the dispatcher. she was human. the chief was human and i was human.
A Day In Eternia
You stand at the station, waiting for the next train to arrive. the station was pretty crowded at this hour. a couple of lights flash, and the train starts to pull into the station.