Away from Home

The inside of my shoe was a mess. every step i made was followed with a squishy noise and the movement of water inside my shoe. a low growl escaped me. _as soon as i am in the car, the shoe comes off.

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Dance in the Circle Chapter 3

She even laughed softly and whispered softly to june, "i know why you left your shoes behind now..."

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Contest Entry: Tron Skates (Gluepaw)

Truth be told, we were just about to scrap the project in favor of another one, until we received a callback from an a&y associated shoe enterprise at around midnight.

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An Animal Crossing Story

Inside the box was a pair of shoes. they were made shined to be tip-top shape, and had a small pump in the back of them. boris gave kicks three-thousand bells, the currency they used, and took the shoes, with a grin spreading on his face.

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The Off-Season

He was eying my shoes, and he was doing a bad job trying to conceal the grimace on his face. "what?" i finally asked. "those shoes. i'm pretty sure you've owned those since i met you."

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Artist's Block (A short Hyena TF)

The tennis shoes put a valiant effort, but he could already see, and feel, a set of growing claws making bumps in the front of each shoe.

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"well, errrr... it's shoes." "yes, i understand what it's it, i'm not that dumb. no, i just want to know, **what** kind of shoes is it exactly." "ankle-high shoes." at this moment, i lived one of the moments the most stressful of my life.

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The Cursed Book

Then he paid attention to his right-shoe. the shoe had gone deep into the mud and it was now completely wet and dirty. he groaned; they were ruined. slowly he pulled out the wet shoe.

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Transformed Struggles- 1

He finally gets them untied, or more accurately he manages to chew through his shoe strings and then works his other shoe off as well as his pants, finding his legs now almost fully covered in the layer of cream hair and his new appendage feeling like something

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The Raiders

"tell me what's so special about these shoes that make the quest worth our time? " "i'm glad you asked," he lied. "queen armada had huge feet and the shoes are merely gold plated. the real secret lies in the steel mold underneath.

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Knock Knock

But, weirdly, turning my shoe upside down and shaking drew nothing. no pebbles, stones or otherwise. i shook again, harder, but still nothing.

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The Pack (3)

I walked from the clothes store and went to one for shoes, i couldent believe so many shoes could be in one place!.

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