A Child's Mind 1

"he has been furious and scared from being seperated from him familiy, which makes it difficult to control him, but we do drug him with depressants to calm him down at the moment." "what have you learned from your studies?"

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Jade's trip to the fair 2

"ok we hold hands so we don't get seperated, and definitely no running off." archer continued. "k" jade replied, as archer took jade's hand and they walked towards the fair.

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Second Sight: Chapter Nine: Seperate Ways

Location: Arpeggio Militia Compound, Medical Ward. Time: 12:30pm. Year: 2092, March 2nd. I had another dream again; the one where I'm constantly falling upwards through a white mist. I didn't scream or panic; I just let things happen. There...

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Ia'Swaa: The Elevator Pitch

The secret of tis world is that on the tiny scale, there is a war going on that is quite seperate from the giant humans.


This is a real recurring dream I have. Please analyse 'til your face turns blue :)

It is as if the fire is seperate; they are determined to party until they die and don't appear to notice that they are asphyxiating slowly on carbon monoxide.

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The Second Tome. Shining Alexander.

While the dark entity known as valixai lies within alexander as well,it is unknown how the two seperate themselves but some theorize it has something to do with alexander's strange fur pattern and eyes.

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Nothing else compares

Sitting in a quiet room with only music playing while on our seperate electronics, or cuddling on a bed, couch or loveseat and whispering sweet nothings into each others ears.


Kiss of Destiny: Chapter 6

Mittens had heard penny scream at him and was standing just on the other side of the swinging door that seperated kitchen from dining room. her ears folded back. he looked dejected. "jodie?" bolt said softly.

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DRAGON HEART : chapter 1-birth of a guardian

Many earthquake, volcano's , tsunamis and famin spread throughout the land of the dragon's keep's and the ancient guardian set upon seperating all of the dragon's away, that's why today the land of the dragon's keep is now separated into regions of their

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Tails of the Night (Part 2)

When you're around, i feel as if nothing can seperate us, i love you." "i love you too betholma." xarksies said, almost in tears at this moment. they were both silent for a while, then xarksies made the first move, and leaned in for a kiss.

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Anatomy of a Being

Winged beings gained new limbs, seperating their wings from their arms, allowing for mobile hands without surrendering anything in the process. mostly. bird born have lost much of their gift of flight.


A Bit of a Touch Up

I did this because i abandoned hail primus and didn't use the remaining 14 chapters of hail primus in any continuation except when i specifically reintroduced in furture writings as something seperate.

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