The Great Orchestra

This resonance, this personal saving grace note this joyous, rapturous monument to love! we, the beings that have been harmonized together! we, the great orchestra!

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The Axe Cuts Both Ways - Chapter 2

"it was a custom made job, reinforced with copper sheathing in the resonance box to give it a higher than average durability," fangmeyer reported. "we should probably have some of our detectives scope out specialty music stores."

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01 - One Job

"make ready," he told his squad and the hum of three other horns resonated to life. deep blue eyes squinted into the darkness and gauged the shape of his comrade.

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Karaoke Night - Chapter 2: All of Me

. "_ **you used to captivate me by your resonating light, but now i'm bound by the life you left behind."** _ cosmo had a garden hidden in the back part of the ship.

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Sea Song (Clean)

Even so his ears rung, and his head ached as the sonar echoed around his head, resonating through his brain. for a moment, the human could think of nothing else; only replaying the screeching sound in his own mind.

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The Life and Soul of Rikh Ghanyr

Ghanyr had access to her power, but at the cost of his concentration, always needing half his thoughts just to keep her in resonance with him.

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As i caressed the shampoo into my fur, i closed my eyes and let my thoughts wander, a soft murr constant resonating from within me as i closed my eyes.

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:) aye, love its bells echo all throughout in the nigh or in the far at great heights or deep depths it knows no boundaries the repetitive chimes and tolls resonate through my whole like an earthquake that shakes the world to the very core

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Him, He, All you

His intellect resonating with mine stirring conversations that span for hours. his potential great and flourishing daily like a wild flower in a meadow. his scent sending waves of lustful desire throughout my body.

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With shining heartstrings resonant in beauty's firm defense. i ask you now to join as one to stand against the dark to stand with me against what comes to hold your shimmer-spark.


The Otterbear Steampunk Fleet part 1

I am aware im experiancing problems with the return key on my dsi, for some reson it doesnt register i pressed it when writing the content. if this turns out as another block of text then i will be editing it when i next use the computer.

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Badger on a Moon (Ferret and Badger part 2) (Otherwise Untitled)

The machinery almost immediately set to its soft resonant hum. she flew up, inches per seconds away from the dusty surface. ~ whirr. ~ whirr.

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