CinderWereFox (Chapter 3)
Fox was suddenly swept up by a crowdful of people crying "the prince! the prince!" and swept up into the pavilion, which inside was decorated with banners showing the history of the land, like the stories told about the castle hall.
The Girl And The Sea - Orca TF Short Story
"the prince would never choose a barrel-scraping wench like you!" cora's eyes trembled with tears, but she stood firm. "i'll show you! i'll get to the castle and speak to the prince. you'll see!"
Oh Holy Night...part II
The snake prince of chicago was a young and arrogant kindred, not to mention paranoid that others were conspiring to take his powerful seat as prince (which they always were...).
A Night in the Tail Underground
At this point feng finally realized that ian's attention was diverted and slowly turned to see the young prince standing at the bottom of the stairwell. feng in utter shock knelt down in front of the young prince, "p... prince xing...
Sanrose Bio (Updated with birth history)
The dragons now protected the woman with royal guards since she was impregnated with the next prince, weather dragon, or human, it shall be a prince in the dragons history.
The New Couple Chapter 7
Simply stated, the prince will need leadership, i could volunteer to join a guard and leave this castle at least for a few years. when the prince came to have the troops transfer under his command. (wels, tradition has the prince visit all the baronies.
The Crown: Chapter Two
"what is your opinion of prince yang-wo?" prince xeneth, who had thus far maintained his gaze at the wall and looked as though he couldn't be less interested in the proceedings he was seated at, turned to look at languidly at yang-wo.
The Lead Crown: Ch 8.2c, The Great Illusion
You are apparently well read too, prince malcom." the jackal standing in the circle spoke up, pointing at the bishop as he addressed prince malcom. the wolf shook his head, responding calmly.
The New Couple Chapter 2
Also let the prince, decide what is to be done." as baron kolvak and me, started walking. the prince's army started to form around us. they obviously did this to prevent us from trying to escape, from our trip to the prince.
Clown Mare 1-1
Why prince? why is it so hard to be me?" the prince used both of his hooves to the teacup and took a sip of it while it was still hot, when he sat it back down he too shut his eyes. "well, why not work on it."
Under the influence Pt. 1 (Draft/Feedback Wanted)
The prince hissed and grumbled the whole way. "it's prince olivian", he corrected, yet again. the prince tossed a scowl s'kerrith's way as he seemed not to be listening.
Hunting the Hunter
Gerreth asked the prince. prince john didn't answer, instead looked over at another companion, an older man with a short beard and white hair.