What the heart once owned - Ch 1 - On the other side
I've came here many times... Every third Friday of the month, at seven PM, they were there at the Blackbriar Community Center. Except I've never actually set foot inside. I was always too scared to go in myself simply because I wasn't sure what I'd...
Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 104 - Coming home...
Talking to Nikki that day felt good. And even though Nikki was ashamed of it, it was just another piece of the puzzle that was set in place. She needed time for herself to sort things out and that's when she decided to go on a road-trip by herself. For...
Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 63 - A simple touch...
That night, Meagan and I buried the hatchet. Well, it didn't mean we were best friends all of a sudden. To me, it felt more of an uneasy alliance between the two of us. But at least the fights and arguments stopped as the days passed by, which was good...
Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 62 - A sudden change
Feeling the hot damp of steam filling the shower cabin always made me relax... Made me calm down whenever I was upset about something... Made me think about the things that were on my mind... Sitting on the bottom of the shower cabin as the hot water...
Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 61 - At my expense...
'I just don't know what she wants with me anymore...' 'Does being with her make you happy?' 'I'd like to think that I am but...' 'You're not...' 'Yes... It makes me question if everything I ever gave up for her was worth the sacrifice...' 'Hm...'...
Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 40 - An ordinary friend
Thing were going great between Terry and me back then. And what happened that particular night only made it better. But despite that it happened and that it was such an enjoyable experience for me, we realized we did something pretty damn stupid... I...
Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 3 - Twinkling bright dots...
That evening, I did what I always did every night. I never had the chance to say goodbye to my parents, my little brother and the rest of my relatives... I wasn't reunited with them, so I assumed that they didn't make it alive... And I miss them. Even...
Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 37 - Never too late...
I couldn't have planned it better myself. Terry stayed for the entire weekend, even on Sunday. We had a week off from college. Seeing as Catherine and Simon wouldn't return from their vacation for another one and a half week, he stayed over at my place...
Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 113 - A long way to go
**That Sunday, Blain and I drove Sam to the train-station where we said our goodbyes when she had to go home. With a journey of six hours by train, she had a long ride ahead of her. After everything that happened throughout the week, I didn't like...
Mother of two
**Someone once asked me what I would do if I could start my life all over again. But I had no honest answer the day that question was asked. I suppose that depends whether or not I can restart my life with all the knowledge I have now. And even though...
Gortoz 'A Ran - CH 100 - A lifetime ago...
On a Friday, early in the afternoon, I came home from college and went to see my grandmother. She was going to celebrate her eighty fifth birthday that weekend and seeing as I came home early, I went out to help with the groceries and around the house...
Gortoz 'A Ran - CH 101 - "Wish you were here..."
While studying one evening and going over some notes I took during class, I was flipping through some pages of my CCNE textbook in search of a practice test on a particular subject. Once I found it, I got hold of my cup of tea and carefully took a sip...