This time, her lips clamped together in a thin line and she shuffled closer to the mirror, hunching her back forward.
Sabetha, The Walker of Fate - Chapter 8, The Mirror of Shattered Dreams
Sabetha stared at an ovular shaped mirror made with two strange coloring. one was white, one was blocked. on further inspection the frame of the mirror was actually two snakes which coiled to make the handle.
Team Argos, Chapter 2
To get around in mirror world one either floats from mirror to mirror until they see the mirror they want to inspect or phase through; or rebound, bouncing from mirror to mirror, though they have to be careful.
3 - Experiments in the Old Times [Incomplete]
The golden tint, as the liquid further descended the mirror's length, seemed to get absorbed by the mirror, turning the reflection a slight hue of yellow. "so..." she said, looking down to the human. "just look into the mirror."
And every once in a while, we look into mirrors and see what we want to see... "tell me what you see." the little girl looked at herself in the mirror and sighed irritably. same old wolf.
Information - Story Links
**mirror, mirror...** chapter-based, titled chapters a very short segment of this story was originally available in a choose your own story path format.
War Paint
The vixen before the mirror took one last look before her night out on the town.
A whole new world 1
If he was using a mirror then he would have been found in the dungeons with our mirror!" "he said himself that the mirror he used was old and in poor condition.
Springtide: New Pups in Town
As he had gripped the mirror frame his fingers should have been resting against the surface of the mirror. instead, they had passed right through the mirror without resistance and so he was gripping the mirror from inside.
Springtide: Vector's Rebirth
Vector slowly reached out a hand and touched the mirror's surface. as he did, the image of child self disappeared as the surface of the mirror rippled like water. "okay... that's bizarre." vector stuck his hand through the mirror.
Fun Times (Otter TF/TG)
While filming he walks over to one of the mirrors. "this mirror makes me seem a bit shorter than before. i guess it still works." tony chuckles.
The Story of Xion
This is apparently what the mirror creature wanted, fbecause as soon as i was closer, black tendrils of darkness sprang forth from the mirror and immediately wrappped around me and began to slowly drag me closer to the dark surface of the mirror.