A furry love 3

Rem pushing his tounge in elis mouth too melting as the fireworks went off in his head. eli broke the kiss and sat on the sofa with rem melting down right beside him.

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Of Flame and Frost: Prologue

He continued to approach, the ice melting faster, and the flame getting dimmer. eventually he was only a short distance away. by now, almost all of the ice had melted, leaving him with only a pattern frozen into his fur.

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demigods and mortals of Asfeiren: Chapter 1

Jack pushed forward and the lantern melted the snow around him as he continued on. the snow gave way to black figures, his dad's paws. he then saught to melting his father out and dragged him from the icy prison, holding the lantern close to his body.

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Book One of Rabbits Part 6 of 29, "Down to my bones."

Black wolf royals entombed within their moment of death, perfectly preserved in their melted state.

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The Cronicles of Polyx: Part I

The ice spike starts melting. crabbycrêpe me.... melting... let.... me..... use.... cryowind! the crabbycrêpe tries using a cryowind, but polyx steps on its shears. the crabbycrêpe dies. polyx sees it has dropt a book.

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S4 Ep11- Magma vs Bodhi

The two had both unleashed their powers at the start of the match, magma melting bohdi's ice but getting swamped with a wave of water melted by said ice. and bohdi got hit with some flames and some steam but generally he was okay.

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Isolation-Excerpt 13-Force Recon

Mike bent down and scooped some of the melted flesh into the test tube. there was slight pause. "that...that can't be right", james said, "it's human tissue....all melted down.

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A Phoenix's Christmas

As the snow fell from the sky, it melted around the guardian, not even touching her before melting and sizzling. with a sigh, she turned around, ready to return to her own sheltered dwelling when a voice perked up behind her.

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Two Paws Deep In Icy Cold Trouble

She didn't know that she could stand the cold any longer, however, and as regrettable as it felt, she knew that she just had to leave it there until the snow melted.

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A Child's Folly

A mishap with fire as he melts them down, to fill molds hand-grown. mother comes in, face most dire: "well that's what ya get for settin' yerself on fire, ya idjit!"

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 2: Chapter 9

The beams struck one of the robots and melted the ice off of them. a blast of fire from anger heart melted the robots head, making it fall over. "try that on the ice on the ground!"

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