Star Wars VIII: Shadows of the Past (11)

Each of them carried a lightsaber, which they ignited simultaneously revealing red blades. "fire!" the resistance soldiers began firing their blasters at the oncoming knights of ren.

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#3 of original writing an old piece of writing i did a couple years ago in school :3 writing © munchypaws open eyes, open mind, soaring through the midnight sky, entranced, with stars igniting, colors rushing.

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vii. Escape (6~15~07)

Murasaki leapt over her door and ran around to ayumi's side, extracting the keys from the ignition and punching the button to open the driver's side door.

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Just Eating a Car

The terror induced spasms and jerks of his wrist made each attempt to jam the key home cause it to glance off against the outer rim of the ignition instead.

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Chapter 9: Hunters in the Night

When ignited, it is bright enough to stun a person on a bright sunny day. on a night as dark as this it should disable them for several minutes.

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Moment in a Truck (Otherwise Untitled)

From the same pool of self control that prevented her from igniting the bench seat's upholstery, she merely rolled onto her back to regard the bare metal ceiling of the truck and take stock of the situation.

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Truth is i want to tell her how i feel, that i revel in the pain she ignites in my soul. an addictive game of masquerade, of holding on to my mask before falling to pieces over her. i've felt the pain of a lost love,it's eternal.

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To the White Rabbit:

Foe's refuge to disobey her law screams treason but still you stand against them all her glass laugh shatters the last of their resolve but yours, hewn from stone, tears her leaf-thin heart liquid denial stains her face fiery triumph ignites

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My Secret to You... (sonnet)

Our love ignited, like gas and a match. i started to wonder, if this was love. i thought for a while, and found a result. the answer alone, came up from above. my body slowed down, my thoughts at a halt.

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Before Commute (Otherwise Untitled)

The turned the ignition to the start position. ~ for the sliver of time dividing the darkness of night and the hope of a new day, all seemed silent.

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Who are you?

It was a part of me, that was always veiled but ignited, like the birth of a sun. it signed my heart, burning a hole in my flesh that felt like a blank white, a bone-coloured void.

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A Perfect Circle.

Love ignites the same. values of what my heart holds, words seem trivial. i try to speak out, only to blush and smile. bringing a paw up. yours comes to join mine, the wonderful shape is made. a perfect circle.
