Receding Memories

I want to be the spider that pricks you, then disappears, far away and people will gather in awe, as the vomiting at night begins this world that we've created, the human ideal what is it? freedom? liberty?

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Haught, Blight, Human Plight

"leave these rank ideals to rot!" my own kind say. no. not today. today i stroke, and pull, and beat, scorning still, harsh summer's heat. spurting nectar thick and sweet, i say-- "i am an animal _again_--today."


Hungry and Desperate

A poem that describes the foolishness of placing one's belief and ideal above action and purpose. one of three poems i made this afternoon i'll post.

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Poem #16

To this day, while i watch the ads for campaigns, to everything that is said, all i can think is, their both the same person, the same ideals, taking this land on a mind bending journey, soon ,i can feel it in my bones, soon there will be fire

A Child Among Men

If only i was able to see what road lies ahead of me could i be enlightened without idealism. yet, in my imagination do i feel most content and at peace. with my heart heavy and my mind weary, i rest to see a new perspective.

S1 Ep???- Storm's Backstory

He has a few siblings, imelda(21),wade (20) and katrina (16) his father was just like himself smart but not "smart" in an ideal way. storm's family is feared, because they can control the water around him.

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Anthropia 10

He shouldn't be this shook up, everything he had seen in the past 6 years made it blatantly obvious that his childish ideals were rarely felt even by other children who were his age.

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Wind Bourne Destiny: Part three&four; Capitivity.

Though the most prized is white signifying virginity and often naivety brings the most money but unfortunately the most attention from; lets just say less than ideal masters." the fox said with a sigh looking toward ashton.

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A Series of Moments 1

Standing in the middle of the coffee room, exposed to any quackwerks employee that happened to wander by, was not an ideal place for a kiss. despite all that, drake couldn't help returning the embrace.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 63

She wasn't the most ideal model when it comes to keeping promises, but the speed with which she sowed pain, without even touching anybody, surprised even her.

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Races of Mundus-Lotori

Despite that their very sly and cunning and due to their outstanding dexterity and agility, they are ideal for classes such as ranger and assassin.

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20th Century Towers (Poem)

A shower of formal ideals. completely soused. the hearts on our sleeves, as they drowned we could hear them screaming, "oh, what a tragic way to see our final days."
