Finding My Husband in Another World Season 1 Chapter 5: Merchant Street

"oh honey, are those nasty hooligans causing problems again? hubert, be a dear and go take care of them." i gulped as hubert walked past me. he was a giant bear.

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So much as the tiniest mistake from a few unscrupulous hooligans would create an upward ripple throughout the elite ranks of the gangster world, one for which richard, directly responsible for said hooligans, would certainly pay.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 41

What's the point in patching you up if you're just going to go off roughhousing with your hooligan friends at the first opportunity!? at least have the decency to regain consciousness when i'm talking to you!_ but that didn't happen.

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Even God Can Make Mistakes

After we lost i couldn't stand to stay in the old south and see what them damn yankee carpetbaggers and hooligans were doing to it. plus i wouldn't sign no oath of allegiance to the yankees, so i come out west with a price on my head.

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Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 18 - The Brawling Raptor

Smacking him against marble stone with a solid crack, he gave the hooligan little time to get up when his hand grabbed his head and slammed it straight into the fountain again.

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Zootopia movie script: Point 223 Act 1

There have been multiple instances of juvenile hooliganism from tacks on car seats to glue on steering wheels to little neat piles of feline surprise being left at various places inside sed vehicles to one joyride which ended up in the pond in banyon park.

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Zootopia movie script: .223

There have been multiple instances of juvenile hooliganism from tacks on car seats to glue on steering wheels to little neat piles of feline surprise being left at various places inside sed vehicles to one joyride which ended up in the pond in banyon park.

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The Dragon Librarian of Winter Hallows

Naturally, that made them a bunch of hooligans, all listening to the musks, in the eyes of the old crowd. a thousand years of musk lordship didn't just abide so easily.

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Sapphire Transition: Prologue and Chapter 1

The bulk majority of them were also closing in on the serpentine sisters and before layne could be cornered by those demons she slipped free of the crowd to continue her stall shopping undisturbed by hooligans trying to trick people of their good money.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 132

What's the point in patching you up if you're just going to go off roughhousing with your hooligan friends at the first opportunity!? at least have the decency to regain consciousness when i'm talking to you!_ but that didn't happen.

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Team Foxy's Expedition

Those hooligans beat us up and stole our bag. i thought we were done for until you ladies came along." "what? ladies?" ray forced himself more widely awake. his eyes fell upon luna and brush. the sight of them proved quite pleasant to his sore eyes.

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A Study In Grey

"don't you go raising your claws at me, you hooligan! you thought you were dealing with a defenseless, carrot-farming, dumb bunny, didn't you? hah! surprise surprise! you're not gonna get a chance to eat any of my kids." "no! ah wouldn't!

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