Wanderer (Sec. 2)

A few hours after her last sleep cycle, ankh saw a small, male anthropomorphic mouse that obviously shared her heritage. as he neared the larger mouse, ankh began to recognize him.

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Kaspar Hauser

May 26, 1833 it is with great dismay that i must report the death by what the doctors believe is cancer of paul anselm feuerbach, forever clouding the waters of hauser's true heritage.

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Furred Traditions Chapter 4

Had it really just been me, not being part of my own heritage? "i ask because i was uncertain, but now it is much clearer. susan, have you ever spoken huskanee to another husky before?" i needed to know more.

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Scourge Second Life part 4

"before i learned of our shared heritage, cloudtail was my only relative, him being my nephew."

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Shattered Soul - Windows

Her body covered in the typical markings of a tiger except that rather then being orange and black she was orange and silver. her form was also that of her feline heritage except for the tail.

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Cederwyn Whitefurr - Profile (Clean version)

He is shy, easily upset and prone to cry at almost the drop of a hat, being highly emotional and particularly sensitive to those making fun of his 'mixed' heritage.

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WoF Galaxy

: wirdy (broers) gostly name reason: he is black with white age: 7 gender: male pronouns: ga.la.xy tribe: gardianwing rank: 4 heritage: \_\_% icewing/seawing/nightwing/rainwing/skywing/sandwing/mudwing/waterwing/firewing

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I don't mean just our memories and emotions, but our heritage. our genes are full of rudimentary code, our bodies designed for anything but the void of space.


Gnoll Brigand: The Adventure (Prologue I)

Neither of you are popular with the locals, but you do learn about many interesting things, your tribe's heritage being important but uninteresting.

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Long way to Indianna (Part 1)

Who wanted to find this island to reveal it's heritage?" _whoa!...

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Airelus, Chapter 0 ~Prologue

Interesting is to note that a persons heritage tends to influence their choice of focus, and as such their heritage can usually be recognized by it, for example the southern lands in greso had a large focus on wealth and opulence in their culture, and as such

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What are Candus pt. 1: Apperance

Its fur color usually tells of its heritage. candusians only have 3 different kinds of breeds: arctic, tropic and mutt. _arctic candus_: the name says it all, this breed is common among cold climates.

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