The Radical Beginning: Part Three
It seemed that the thieves helped themselves to the balcus family heirlooms and were using them to eat off. ann took a photo, and cringed at the flash of light which flooded the room. crud.
Per Patientia Ch. 1
However this grave robber took not jewels nor heirlooms or other belongings, but the bodies themselves.
Mercurius Express — Chapter 2
It's not even a famed family heirloom nor a national treasure..." "you're saying that it doesn't seem like his m.o. at all," leon summarized. "by the way, this chevalier du noir, you keep referring it as "them".
War Of The Litche: Prologue
Easy pickings everywhere for a thief, heavy coin purses, expensive jewelry, valuable family heirlooms-" "alright, alright i get it."
Havana or Hell, part six
Another timeless heirloom from sky mall. so realistic it looks like any other rock in the garden -provided they are also cast in gray resin. here was one guy, who made most of his shopping from the comfort of an airplane seat.
Anatomical Anachronisms: Chapter 5: Severed Resonance
Some spiders insisted that their traveling instruments had more 'soul' than the grounded xylophone-like instrument, because they could be passed down as heirlooms and be attached to memories of journeys.
"The Thin Line," Part NN
I don't know why i looked for his heirloom sword, really, but it wasn't there. no doubt someone was doing something disgraceful with it.
Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Birth - Chapter 2
As he gazed at his mother's heirloom, he felt a tear roll down his cheek. he had never really known her, but all the same, she was everything to him.
New Generation of Heroes: Chapter 1 - "It Comes Soon"
No one understood why, but some believed that the extraordinary abilities (many genetic and inheritable, some magical, some passed on through family heirlooms and artifacts) were being bred out of the population or removed.
Chapter 78: The Emerald King
From that day forward, i called myself antony emerald, and her necklace became a family heirloom as it was passed down from generation to generation. every ruling emerald has worn it since."
Snowlit Dawn - Book 2 Chapter 3
The table itself was old and a bit scuffed, but a well-carved wooden heirloom. "ah dorrin!" sabre said with a slight smile as he looked up at dorrin, "i just received good news: captain briskwind is on the way with tallia and lia.
New Generation of Heroes: Chapter 10 - "Burdens"
His chest tingled where his heirloom necklace rested between his pecs, the snarling figure probably sparking with blue electricity like it normally did when rhy was agitated.