Not when the clear, azure sky became hazed, and fresh snow began to fall.
The Dragon and the Steed Part 6
The square was covered in the haze of the falling rain, and rapid streams of water flooded out into the surrounding streets through open drainage.
Chapter Nine
I could no longer sense the world around me as the red haze of pain lowered over my eyes and the only thing that existed beyond the hurt was the faint whisperings of darrius's speech.
Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 82
A lone figure stepped forward, out of the rushing haze of snow and wind, limping badly. it was dorin. \* the wind and snow came in bursts, crashing against him like waves, sometimes pushing him along, and sometimes driving him back.
MLP: Rise of Nightmares pt 2
"haze, sky. head for twilight's and place the chariot there. rainbow, midnight and i will be checking on the preparations taking place. you may do as you wish in the mean time but be back before dusk."
Rune Weaver
The pit's sickening, wavering glow reflected off the ring before the structure disappeared into the rain-thick haze further on.
Hybrid: CH 3: Sloth
Lilith, in her haze, wasn't even surprised to find the old mare looking stronger, younger, and healthier by the day... ~ lilith woke in the middle of the night. unusual, as it hadn't happened in at least a month. wait, it had been a month?
Journey to another world ch33
Then a haze of some kind started to descend from somewhere in the ceiling. once the haze had started to reach the two pokemon, something weird start to take effect.
Tropical Paradise Or Is It: Lapsus Mentalli
The moon was full of light and splendorous wonder filled the sky with a blue haze. it was beautiful. the house might not have windows nor doors, but it did not really need them right now.
Hurricane Martes: summer breeze
They stayed like that until the rain disappeared completely, leaving only a little haze around. then, in silence, the brothers got up, picked up the balloon pieces, threw them in the trash, and returned home.
Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 56
More of those awful, awful sounds, breaking through the haze of her thoughts. layla tried to open her eyes, but she wasn't sure if the things she was seeing were real or just illusions.
Princess of Knives
Vael's eyes went wide as he stared into the haze and what he saw, wiped away all the anguish in his heart. he stood, staring an image of himself, fine armor adorning his form and alexander at his side.